10 Reasons Why FAR Project Is Illegal at DPS CGHS Dwarka

DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society (DPS CGHS or DPS Housing Society), Plot No. 16, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 078
10 Reasons Why FAR Project Is Illegal at DPS CGHS Dwarka
By Rakesh Raman
While the managing committee (MC) members of DPS CGHS are facing multiple government inquiries for misappropriation of funds and other illegal activities, now they have planned an illegal floor area ratio (FAR) construction / repairs project of about Rs. 15 crore in the Society building.
Here are 10 reasons why the FAR project at DPS CGHS is unlawful and why the Society members should not participate in it.
1. Recently, Delhi High Court has stopped FAR construction which was happening in a housing society of Dwarka because of its harmful pollution and other factors. The court stopped FAR construction even when the MC claimed it has the consent of the majority of members. You can yourself check out Case No. W.P.(C) 286/2018 on Delhi High Court website.
2. The DPS CGHS MC has been planning this project in a totally fraudulent way and it is not even publicly showing or displaying on Society’s website the documents related to FAR project because it is illegal.
3. In its letter dated August 22, 2018 about FAR extension, the DPS CGHS MC claimed that it has received the FAR approval from DDA. But it has not shown the DDA approval document to members. Similarly, the MC has not shown other documents and its communications with DDA and other departments regarding FAR extension / repairs. While the MC is working secretly and hiding the information from all the members, it proves that the FAR project is a big fraud.
4. When one of the members met the MC (president / secretary) in the office on 25.8.2017 to see DDA approval for FAR, the MC said it does not have DDA approval papers with it. The MC could only show a private email written to an architect firm (which is working in a fraudulent manner with MC). The MC said it hopes to show DDA approval papers in a GBM that it plans to hold next month – September 2018.
5. If MC still does not have the DDA approval for FAR, why is it forcing each member to pay over Rs. 2 lakh as first installment for FAR? It is a total fraud to extort money from members.
6. As stated above, the court has already stopped FAR construction because it is illegal. It is more illegal in the case of DPS CGHS because the MC is facing corruption inquiries and the MC may soon be suspended or dismissed by the RCS office or a higher court. Then who will handle FAR project in the DPS CGHS building?
7. The termination of the DPS CGHS MC is soon expected to happen because the MC is committing all sorts of crimes. Recently, the MC lost a couple of legal cases, including a case in the labour court because the MC had illegally terminated the services of security guards and another case in the RCS office.
8. Similarly, the DPS CGHS MC – which is known for its corruption – is expected to be removed in the corruption inquiries that it is facing, and it will also lose the FAR case which has already been declared illegal.
9. The FAR construction is also illegal because it harms the health of people – including children and senior citizens – in the Society with lethal dust and noise pollution.
10. The FAR construction is also illegal because it violates Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and breaks a number of other laws such as the Unified Building Bye Laws (UBBL), the Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, Delhi Fire Service Rules, National Building Code, and many other regulations. As FAR is illegal, the DDA officials who give FAR approvals are also facing vigilance inquiry.
These 10 reasons clearly show that FAR is an illegal project and that’s why DPS CGHS MC is not showing all the documents related to FAR to the Society members.

The DPS CGHS members should not pay money for FAR construction which is being fraudulently linked with building repairs by the MC members. Here are the reasons:
- While FAR is illegal, the members who will pay money to MC will be participating in MC’s fraud and those members will also face prosecution and possible imprisonment.
- When the FAR construction will be stopped before completion as it is happening under court order, the members will lose their money and they will also have to pay for demolition of the illegal construction, besides other legal penalties.
- Under partial construction, the DPS CGHS building will have an ugly appearance and it will become a disputed property. Then it will be extremely difficult for flat owners to sell their flats. Even tenants will not be interested to live in such a ruined building.
So, all the residents / members are advised to stay away from FAR construction and related repairs.
Note: The residents / members in DPS CGHS or other housing societies who want to understand FAR-related issues and want to stop FAR construction in their housing societies can contact me on my email and meet me subsequently.
You can click the following weblink to study the details of corruption and illegal activities at DPS CGHS.
[ Humanitarian Crisis Persists at DPS Housing Society in Delhi ]
Weblink: http://www.ramanmedianetwork.com/humanitarian-crisis-persists-at-dps-housing-society-in-delhi/
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also runs “Clean House” social service to help residents raise their voice against corruption and injustice.