Aam Aadmi Party Welcomes You to Dirty Delhi

Although Arvind Kejriwal has become a self-styled anti-corruption crusader, he is clueless about the enormity of corruption that is happening right under his own nose.
By Rakesh Raman

Attention: Delhiites. If you want to kill your time in a comical show, call Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi’s CM-WW (Chief Minister – Without Work) as its host. If you want to get cheated by shallow promises, call any dumbwit from Kejriwal’s political outfit that works under the title Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). And if you want to get hoodwinked by the trickery of a juggler, read the list of achievements that AAP government counts conceitedly.
But if you are expecting Kejriwal and his coterie to work for your welfare, you must be prepared to get the shock of your life. Kejriwal’s AAP is like any other political gang that wins elections by making false promises to gullible voters and then goes into deep hibernation for five years till the next elections come.
If you want to know more about the past, present, and future of AAP and Arvind Kejriwal, you must read the articles under the following links carefully. Alternatively, you can go straight to the current issue that I am going to discuss in this particular story.
[ Urgent Warning: Beware of Aam Aadmi Party ]
[ Flop Show: Swaraj Samwad of Broken Aam Aadmi Party ]
[ Can Aam Aadmi Party Stay United? No Way. ]
[ 10 Reasons I Like Sir Arvind Kejriwal ]
As these days I am reporting on the sorry plight of Delhi citizens by visiting the streets and slums of India’s capital, on Saturday (May 2) I went to J.J. Colony (Jhuggi Jhompadi Colony) – a slum area – in Dwarka. This colony falls under the Matiala constituency.
If you want to see the real picture of poverty and filth in India, you must visit this J.J. Colony. The moment I entered the colony, I was greeted with a colossal heap of stinking waste dumped in an open shelter (pictured above).
While people in the colony live just a few feet away from the dirty site, they said it is a major cause of various diseases for all of them. They also told that all their requests to the local MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) to get this site removed have fallen on deaf ears.
This dingy site not only shows the carelessness of Kejriwal’s AAP, but it also stands as a blot on India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet project called ‘Clean India.’
After the initial ballyhoo, Modi doesn’t know what to do with this ‘Clean India’ thing which has become an albatross around his neck and India continues to be a dirty country. And Dwarka’s J.J. Colony is just a manifestation of the failure of Modi’s ‘Clean India’ campaign in which huge public money is being wasted.
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[ How Slums and Poverty Plague Indian Cities ]
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However, Modi is not alone in the dirty game. Kejriwal is a carbon copy of Modi. Both don’t have any control on their tongues and keep blabbering aimlessly. And both have ignored the poor voters completely after winning their respective elections. If the previous governments led by Congress in India and Delhi state were bad, Modi’s BJP and Kejriwal’s AAP are worse.

Now let’s go back to the J.J. Colony. As if the dirty site full of stinking waste was not enough to trouble the local residents, recently migrant laborers from Maharashtra state have come and settled on open pavements near the colony.
The group comprises nearly 250 people – half of them are children with ages ranging from 3 months to 10 years. When I asked them about the reason for their migration from Maharashtra to Delhi, I was told that extreme poverty has brought them to Delhi.
As they were working in farms and the crops were destroyed in the recent hailstorms, they were driven out of work and they have hardly any support from the Maharashtra government. They have come to Delhi in search of work.

Now these people live in the open, cook in the open, defecate in the open and they said Delhi mosquitoes are sucking their blood in the open.
While the Delhi government has failed to provide proper accommodation and assistance to them, they are residing in the open air around this J.J. Colony of Dwarka. While Kejriwal is sleeping carelessly, these people are suffering on the dirty roads of Delhi. And the poverty along with filth is increasing at an alarming pace in entire Delhi.
Although Kejriwal has become a self-styled anti-corruption crusader, he is clueless about the enormity of corruption that is happening right under his own nose. He fails to understand that bribery is not the only form of corruption, but political carelessness and bureaucratic inefficiency are also among the worst forms of corruption.
Can Kejriwal tackle this corruption and provide some relief to the Delhi citizens? If he wants, he can begin by removing the dirty site from the J.J. Colony and ensure a totally clean environment for the residents. He also can make some arrangement so poor people don’t have to live on open pavements.
But for now, if you add all this up, you will find that Delhi presents the real ugly picture of India which continues to be an underdeveloped country despite shallow self-praising screams from politicians of all political parties. Sad but true.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
You also can read: More Articles by the RMN Editor, Rakesh Raman