Al-Qaeda Ready to Fight for the Liberation of Palestine

“Besiege Them,” screams the title of the cover story that has appeared in the recently released Fall 2014 issue of the magazine, Resurgence. It is the first issue of the magazine published by As-Sahab Media, the publicity wing of the militant outfit Al-Qaeda.
The story discusses the practical steps towards the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of the Caliphate.
“It is time for us to fight fire with fire, and impose our own blockade and embargo on the Jews and Crusaders, by hitting them where it hurts and striking the heart and lifeblood of their economy, represented by international trade and finance,” says the article.
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Resurgence, which positions itself as the magazine for a resurgent Muslim Ummah (community), suggests that the wave of Jihad that originated in Afghanistan and has spread to Iraq, the Levant and North Africa is also the ultimate hope of the Muslims of the Subcontinent.
According to the Resurgence story, Palestine is for Muslims, because Palestine is the Land of the Prophets, and Muslims are the true heirs to the Prophets and not the Jews.
“For more than two decades, Muslims have been told that the just solution to the problem of the Jewish occupation of Palestine is in the Western-sponsored creation of an emaciated, defenseless and nominally independent state for Arabs on a mere fraction of the land of Palestine, with the lion’s share remaining in the hands of the Jews for them to rule and corrupt as they please,” says the Resurgence article.

It further says that the so-called “two-state solution” – which in practical terms is a “one and one-half state solution” (or perhaps a “one and one-third state solution”!) – is not only unacceptable to the majority of Palestinians, it is also against the laws and principles of Islam, and ignores the fact that Palestine was an Islamic land and will always be an Islamic land; and this is why the only way forward and the only just answer to the Palestinian “question” is the removal of “Israel” in its entirety and the recovery of all of Muslim Palestine by Muslims and for Muslims.
The Resurgence story asks: “How can enemies of the Prophets possibly have any right to the land of the same Prophets?”
The 117-page Resurgence magazine is supposed to revive the spirit of Jihad in the Muslim Ummah. Al-Qaeda, through the magazine, has invited Muslims to participate in this effort.
Photos courtesy: Resurgence