Appeal to Nominate Rakesh Raman as the Next UN Secretary-General

Appeal to Nominate Rakesh Raman as the Next UN Secretary-General

You can share this information with your friends and colleagues and write to the legislators and top government functionaries in your countries requesting them to support my candidature and nominate me as the next UN Secretary-General.
The Challenge
The world continues to be plagued by poverty, hunger, corruption, environmental damage, injustice, inequality, and widespread misery. But there is no global mechanism that could protect commoners and their rights – basic, fundamental rights to help them live like normal human beings.
The governments which are supposed to be run by the people are controlled by autocratic rulers who treat the citizens as slaves. Politics has become a profession for the goons who win elections fraudulently. The courts have lost their relevance while the police and security forces operate as gangs of criminals to attack the citizens mercilessly. As socio-economic unrest is spreading all across the world, the so-called democracies are operating as parliamentary dictatorships.
The System
Although it is the responsibility of the United Nations (UN) to hold the despotic governments accountable, this world body and its different agencies have failed to work as an effective interface between the regimes and their people. Serving the interests of the powerful politicians, the UN is engaged only in shallow sloganeering and raw rhetoric.
The UN bureaucrats who are working in a free-wheeling manner are releasing mere targets under campaigns such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But there is hardly any auditable yardstick to empirically measure the performance of the UN top brass. Similarly, there is no credible framework to assess the success or failure of different schemes that the UN launches – often with huge public funds. In brief, the entire UN system has failed.
The five-year term of the incumbent UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, ends on 31 December 2021.
The Solution
In order to streamline the deteriorating social, political, and economic systems in the world, a reformation at the international scale is needed urgently. I believe that I can challenge the status quo. I can lead the reformation movement and manage all UN affairs effectively to make it a SMART (Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent) organization which will work for the masses. With almost 30 years of recognized work in the technology, mass communications, and social spheres, I seek your support for my candidature as the next United Nations Secretary-General.
To begin with, you can share this information with your friends and colleagues and write to the legislators and top government functionaries in your countries requesting them to support my candidature and nominate me as the next UN Secretary-General.
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Thank You
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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