Articles by the RMN Editor, Rakesh Raman

Here are some of the articles written by the RMN Editor, Rakesh Raman:
Latest Articles
[ Interviews with Tech Market Leaders ]
[ Interviews with Entertainment Market Leaders ]
[ Indian Opposition Parties Lack Plan to Counter Narendra Modi ]
[ Is India Facing the Risk of a Civil Unrest? ]
[ Modi to Indians: Hey, Now Your Money Is My Money ]
[ Who Will Save Indians from Modi’s Holocaust? ]
[ Modi’s Monarchy: Banks in India Refuse to Pay People’s Money ]
[ Is the Indian Government Fearing a Military Coup? ]
[ World Cities Day: How India Is Destroying Its Cities ]
[ What Do You Know About Modi’s Midas Touch? ]
[ Why Is Barack Obama Silent on Kashmir Issue? ]
[ Can Amnesty Help Stop Human Rights Abuses in India? ]
[ Can Narendra Modi’s Song and Dance Solve India’s Problems? ]
[ आओ मिल कर करें एक नये और समृद्ध भारत का निर्माण ][ क्या नरेन्द्र मोदी जल्दी ही अरविन्द केजरीवाल को मरवा देगा? विडियो देखें और बताएं। ]
[ क्यों हैं आप स्कूल की शिक्षा से परेशान? छुपाओ मत, मुझे बताओ। ]
[ शिक्षा का सुधार: आईये सुने अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी के मन की बात ]
[ स्कूल बेकार, पढ़े–लिखे बेरोजगार, यह है दिल्ली सरकार ]
[ Is Yoga an Exercise for All Religions? ]
[ India: Civil Servants or Uncivil Masters? ]
[ Is Arvind Kejriwal an Enemy of Delhi? ]
[ What Is Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki Baat? ]
[ Can Your Education Get You the Right Job? ]
[ Online Poll: Do You Accept Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India? ]
[ Why Indian Students Must Learn Proper English Language ]
[ Why Narendra Modi Must Not Be Sent Abroad ]
[ Emails Scandal – Is Hillary Clinton Telling the Truth? ]
[ What Are the Advantages of Peer Learning? ]
[ क्या सुषमा स्वराज ने ललित मोदी से रिश्वत ली है? ]
[ क्या अरविन्द केजरीवाल दिल्ली को बरबाद कर के रहेगा? ]
[ Welcome to the Smart City of Stray Dogs ]
[ Narendra Modi Is Having a Ball at Your Expense ]
[ 10 Reasons Why Yoga May Not be Good for You ]
[ New Delhi: The Case of a Neglected City ]
[ Can Delhi Government Stop Corruption? No Way. ]
[ नरेंद्र मोदी, न जाओ देश छोड़ कर ]
[ Is New Delhi the Dirtiest City of the World? ]
[ Aam Aadmi Party Welcomes You to Dirty Delhi ]
[ How to Protect Your Child from Poisonous Pollution ]
[ How to Deal with Vehicular Pollution in Delhi ]
[ Land Bill: Congress Launches Cyber Attack on BJP ]
[ Mr. Modi, When Will You Come Back to India? ]
[ Why Insecurity Persists in India’s Food Security Act ]
[ How Pollution Makes Delhi a Poisonous Gas Chamber ]
[ Urgent Warning: Beware of Aam Aadmi Party ]
[ Anna Hazare Announces Padyatra, Says ‘No’ to Arvind Kejriwal ]
[ BBC Ignores Government Order, Releases Banned India’s Daughter ]
[ Can Aam Aadmi Party Stay United? No Way. ]
[ How Indian Rulers Abuse Human Rights in the Digital Space ]
[ Delhi Election: AAP Survives, Congress Dies, BJP in Coma ]
[ No Democracy in India. It Is Parliamentary Dictatorship. ]
[ President Barack Obama Is Angry with India. But Why? ]
[ Hug to Barack Obama: Damage Control Attempt by Narendra Modi ]
[ Beware ! Congress Hand Appears Again in Delhi ]
[ President Barack Obama Not Welcomed in India ]
[ Political Sibling Rivalry in Delhi Election ]
[ Now an Indian Film Shows the Messenger of God ]
[ Khilafa Live: ISIS Plans New Online TV Channel ]
[ Can ‘Clean India’ Clean India? No Way. ]
[ Cost of the Freedom of Expression: Death ]
[ Hindu Rulers in India Irk the Muslims, Again ]
[ Was FBI Right in Blaming North Korea for Sony Hacking? No. ]
[ Exodus: Gods and Kings Faces Religious Rage, Film Banned ]
[ Undeterred by U.S. Offensive, ISIS Now Eying Europe ]
[ Indian PM Narendra Modi Plans to Quit. अब अच्छे दिन आने वाले हैं ]
[ Are ISIS Terrorists Also Planning Cyber Attacks – after the Sony Hack Case? ]
[ Sony Succumbs to Hackers’ Demand, Won’t Release ‘The Interview’ ]
[ Digital Damage in India: Web Perils of Information and Broadcasting ]
[ Anna Hazare to Narendra Modi: Pay Rs. 15 Lakh or Face Protest ]
[ Raahgiri Promotes Car-Free Living in Gurgaon ]
[ Islamic State Is Now a Global Player: John Cantlie ]
[ What Exactly Is the Islamic State’s New Currency for the Caliphate? ]
[ How to become the Prime Minister of India: 10 Simple Steps ]
[ What Is the Future of Muslims in India? ]
[ How to Write and Deliver a Press Release These Days: 10 Tips ]
[ New P3 Model to Get Rid of Corporate Dead Wood ]
[ Alexa Is Defective. Will the New Alexa Model Deliver Accurate Web Analytics? ]
[ How “Make in India” Will Break in India ]
[ Will Indian Muslims Live and Die for India? ]
[ How President Obama’s Analysis Is Wrong on Terrorism ]
[ Al-Qaeda Terror Group Enters India. What Does It Mean to You? ]
[ Welcome to the “Islamic Terror State” ISIS: Video Message ]
[ Mr. Obama, Are Islamic State Terrorists Really Good on Social Media? ]
[ Say “No” to Digital Advertising. Why? Because of Ad Frauds ]
[ Hello, Prime Minister Modi. Don’t Bamboozle Me with Your Shallow Words ]
[ 10 Hidden Traits of an Entrepreneur ]
[ How Small Businesses in India Are Their Own Enemies ]
[ How Google Shows Its Extreme Hate for Sex ]
[ When Online Ad Crooks Invaded My Websites… ]
[ How PR Agencies Cheat Their Clients in India ]
[ How to Make and Market Indie Films: 10 Steps ]
[ Meet the Uneducated Education Minister of India ]
[ BJP to Muslims: When in India, Do as the Hindus Do ]
[ My Urgent Message for Prime Minister Narendra Modi ]
[ How Oscars Are Losing Their Sheen ]
[ Deconstructing Gravity: Did the Film Deserve the Oscars? ]
[ How to Use LinkedIn Like a Pro: 10 Tips ]
[ Revealing My 21 Romantic Confessions on Facebook ]
[ Nine Signs You’re Working in a Sick Company ]
[ How to Quickly Make Money from Your Blog ]
[ 7 Secret Ways to Know How Your Rivals Use the Web ]
You also can read some of the technology-business articles that I wrote as an edit-page columnist for The Financial Express newspaper (The Indian Express Group).
Here is the weblink for The Financial Express:
On World Business, Economic and Political Developments
- [ Why Bollywood Always Makes Bad Films ]
- [ Enemy of the Enemy is Friend for Congress ]
- [ Aam Aadmi Party or Too Many Crooks? ]
- [ Political Shakeout in Delhi Is Good for India ]
- [ Victory for AAP or Defeat for Anna Hazare? ]
- [ How Indian Journalists Mislead Voters Using Social Media Data ]
- [ Can You be a Hindu or a Muslim Journalist? ]
- [ 10 Reasons I Like Bollywood Movies ]
- [ Wikileaks Boss Julian Assange to Host TV Show ]
- [ Are Your Marketing Mails Making Sense? ]
- [ 10 Reasons I Like Indian TV Shows ]
- [ Sweden vs. Assange: Justice will Prevail… ]
- [ How Do I Get Rid of SlideShare? ]
- [ After Mosque, Demand for Ground Zero Church ]
- [ Wikileaks: All Leaks are being Plugged ]
- [ Obama Ignored Outcries of Sikh Widows: Statement ]
- [ Wikileaks Leaks Out Secret US Embassy Cables ]
- [ Nobel Peace Prize for Chinese Human Rights Activist ]
- [ Has Osama Bin Laden Died Again? ]
- [ Can Obama Jobs Plan Reduce Poverty in America? ]
- [ Need to Change 5 Old Rules at Workplace ]
- [ 5 Reasons to Say Goodbye to PR Worker ]
[ Also Visit: REAL VOTER – Politics in India ]
Human Interest Stories
- [ Don’t Worry, Be Happy. But How? ]
- [ How Tarun Tejpal Unleashed Sex in the City ]
- [ Tarun Tejpal: A Rapist or the Blue Jackal? ]
- [ How to Use Email like a Normal Human Being ]
- [ How to Satisfy Women in the Bed: 10 Tips ]
On Politics and Corruption in India
- [ Jealous Anna Says Right to Wrong Lokpal Bill ]
- [ Wanted: A Suitable Prime Minister for India ]
- [ 10 More Reasons I Love My Country India ]
- [ Dream of the Senile Queen for the Silent Prince ]
- [ Is India’s Prime Minister Really Corrupt? ]
- [ Why Can’t Satyamev Jayate Tell the Truth? ]
- [ Coming Soon: Attack of Anna Hazare – Part 2 ]
- [ May Madness Begins with IPL Cricket in India ]
- [ Why Justice Katju Hates Indian Journalists ]
- [ Can Anna Hazare Give Us Corruption-Free India? ]
- [ Anna Hazare Goes Out; Corruption Stays with Us ]
- [ 5-Point Formula for Anna Hazare to Kill Corruption ]
- [ 10 Simple Reasons I Love My Country India ]
- [ How MMS becomes the Prime Minister ]
- [ Is it the Death of Democracy in India? ]
- [ Why You Must Not Compare Anna Hazare with Gandhi ]
- [ Anna Ji, Don’t Break Your Fast against Corruption ]
- [ Is it a Victory or Defeat for Anna Hazare? ]
- [ Why Sonia Gandhi Wants to Protect Chidambaram ]
- [ Peepli Dead: True Story of Cyber Zombies in India ]
On Facebook
- [ Hello Mark, Are You Aware of Facebook Flaws? ]
- [ Look Mark, Who Is Using Your Facebook ]
- [ Mr. Mark, I Am Fed Up with Your Facebook ]
- [ My Open Message to Mark Zuckerberg ]
- [ 11 Love Tips for Social Lovers on Facebook ]
- [ Why You Should Not Advertise on Facebook ]
- [ Beware, Facebook is Coming to Take Your Money ]
- [ 5 Reasons I Love My Facebook Friends ]
- [ Is the TIME Right to Honor Zuckerberg of Facebook? ]
- [ Success Award for Facebook Boss Zuckerberg ]
- [ Why Do We Need a Movie on Facebook? ]
- [ How to become a Facebook Star: 10 Tips ]
- [ My 15 Confessions as a Facebook User ]
- [ Seven Serious UX Flaws on Facebook ]
- [ 10 Deadly FAD Symptoms You Must Know ]
On RMN Community Court Service
- [ Will Spicejet Fly for Everyone in India? ]
- [ Why is IBM Angry with Yuan Yipeng of China? ]
- [ Cindy Stafford Demands Her Money Back from PSI ]
- [ IBM Advised to Treat its People with Humanism in China ]
On Technology Trends
- [ How Big is the Burden of Big Data? ]
- [ 15 Essential Areas of Digital Marketing ]
- [ Can Narayana Murthy Save the Infosys Ship? ]
- [ Airtel – India’s Leading Mobile ‘Suffering’ Provider ]
- [ Can the New Boss Moni Save the Sick NIC? ]
- [ 10 Commandments to Do SEO ]
- [ How to Use Email like a Normal Human Being ]
- [ Do Not Spend Even a Single Penny on SEO ]
- [ Five Skills Your Tech Manager Should Have ]
- [ Do You Really Need Cloud to Run Your Business? ]
- [ Is Your Website Talking to Your Buyers? ]
- [ Seven Tricks Digital Agencies Use to Cheat You ]
- [ 10 Things I Want Technology to Do for Me ]
- [ Three Steps to Start Your Office on the Web ]
- [ Tech-Wise Knowledge Center for SMBs ]
- [ How to Use E-Governance to Deal with Corruption ]
- [ Keep Your Friends Close and CIOs Closer ]
- [ Why Marketers are Chasing the Mobile Mirage ]
More tech articles written by Rakesh Raman are at RMN Digital site and My Techbox blog.
On Social Media Trends
- [ 10 Linkedin Flaws That Always Disturb Me ]
- [ Digital Marketing – Secrets of Social Media ]
- [ Five Bitter Truths about Social Media ]
- [ 10 Reasons Why Social Media Doesn’t Help ]
- [ 5 Social Media Manners to Insult Others ]
- [ Five Social Media Myths Debunked ]
- [ Excuse Me; Will You Please Visit My Blog? ]
Interviews with Thought Leaders
- [ Visit Thought Leaders Page on RMN Digital ]
- [ Adam Braun on Global Education Trends ]
- [ Ali Shadman on Cloud Computing ]
- [ Mallika Dutt on Social Media Campaigns ]
- [ Sara Bordo on Global Entertainment Markets ]
More articles will be added on this page.