Campaign Launched to Control Pollution in Delhi

Campaign Launched to Control Pollution in Delhi
Children – who study at the RMN Foundation free school – have launched a new pollution-control campaign in Delhi. The campaign urges Delhi government to save Delhi residents – particularly children – from all types of pollution, including air pollution, dust pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution.
These children – along with the founder of RMN Foundation Rakesh Raman – hold informative placards and stand near the traffic lights and other places in the city to distribute pamphlets that explain the harmful effects of pollution on residents’ health.
Research Report
[ Lethal Gas Chambers of India: Research Report on Pollution in Delhi ]
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Bank Name: ICICI Bank
Bank Branch: HL Square, Plot No. 6, Sector 5 (MLU), Dwarka, New Delhi 110 075
Account Number: 025005004368
Account Name: RMN Foundation
Type of Account: Current
IFSC Code: ICIC0000250
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