Case of Climate Change; not Global Warming

Global Warming was a gross miscalculation by the scientific community. The fact that so many climatologists jumped on board, shows just how little they understand about their own field, and science, in general.

By Richard Shouse

The Earth in total is one gigantic ecosystem. Simple science provides fail-safes for protection from harm.  The assumption that the world will simply heat to the point that we all look we had a tan on the sun was gross negligence in total. 

As I reiterate, we live in an ecosystem and thus being the only known planet able to support life it’s at its essence self-regulating. The best metaphor to explain our current climate change is the pendulum. If a pendulum swings far one way, then simple gravity and inertia will swing it back the other way. 

The heating of our earth has created the swing to extreme cold temperature for the simple fact of self preservation. Hot and cold are the same energy units on the opposite side of the scale.

The first law of Thermodynamics in a hydrologic cycle explains this. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; only assimilated. A significant amount of energy is being absorbed and not dissipated by our ecosystem. 

The energy has to go somewhere. Deforesting is a factor in causing warming of the crust and core of our planet. The recent volcanic activity could be a symptom of this epidemic.

The pre-industrial event called the Year with no Summer in 1816 was a direct result of the eruption of Mount Tambora on April 10, 1815. It is still the largest eruption in recorded history; it reduced a 13,000 mountain to a 4,000 hill – essentially turning a mountain into a molehill.

The ensuing ash was more than 90 cubic miles. To put in perspective the magnitude of this eruption, the Earth’s surface is only 196,935,000 sq miles and it would have left 0.76 mm approximately of ash on the entire surface area of the Earth if evenly distributed across the landmass and water surface. 

There was already ash from two other volcanoes in the atmosphere; however nowhere near the amount of ash violently spewed into the atmosphere as Mount Tambora in 1815. To heap trouble on top of trouble, the Sun was hampered by the Dalton Minimum. 

The Dalton Minimum causes lower magnetic field on the Sun and thus lessened amounts of bright spots, effectively reducing the intensity of the Sun’s rays.  The ash in the atmosphere combined with the reduced thermal magnitude of the Sun was a perfect storm for a cooled Earth.  

The cooler temperature caused loss of active photosynthesis; thus the loss of the most important food crops. The result was death of more than 70,000 people to famine and health related maladies combined with the initial aftermath of the original area surrounding the volcano, whose death toll was nearly 10,000 people. This was most likely the only incidence of a mountain being turned into a molehill.

My hypothesis: Beyond who or what caused it, this is how I propose the earth will correct this damage done to our ecosystem. Considering those that watch the Sun and its Sun spot activity are predicting the return of Dalton Minimum on a scale large enough to be prematurely dubbed: The Grand Minimum.

Those happy to debunk Global Warming will spout comments about this return of the Dalton Minimum to prevent the event that I am about to describe. 

Considering the Sun was blotted with just one major volcano eruption, the chances of multiple violent eruptions in close succession combined with a return to the Dalton Minimum will bring us back to the ice age. 

Dalton Minimum is no joke; its 56 years meaning two cycles of 28 years with minimal solar spots. The summers have been hotter and the winters colder when the earth decides to take it back into homeostasis allay a Year with No Summer, or years. The world’s population is substantially higher and millions will die.

The inordinate amount of energy absorbed by the Earth is eventually going to have to be expelled. The earth radiates heat from its core and the Sun brings its own thermal units. The Earth can only handle so much heat absorption and will eventually expel this energy via earthquakes and volcanoes.

The question is not “if” this is going to happen but more so “when” this happens. Current events have pointed to a slow progression but the intensity could change rather quickly.

As stewards of our Earth, we have failed miserably. Much like cancer: if you only find it when you see symptoms, then it is most likely too late.  Time for us to have changed, was a long time ago.  

However, we are changing and becoming more aware of how we are effecting our environment with our actions.  The worst polluters such as China are refusing to change, and it scares me deeply.  

Everyone on this planet has experienced the spoils of the Industrial Revolution. The largest majority of us live in a cozy existence unfathomable less than a century ago. Let’s hope that this comfortable life doesn’t end up turning on us and biting us on our globally warmed arses.

Based in Los Angeles, USA, Richard Shouse is a writer, entertainer and informative speaker. The study of environment is a lifelong passion for him.

Richard has written this article for Raman Media Network as his opinion on the ongoing climate changes. You can contact him at:  

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6 thoughts on “Case of Climate Change; not Global Warming

  • March 21, 2011 at 6:06 PM

    The first law of thermodynamics does not mean what you say, the Dalton minimum has not been observed to repeat in almost 200 years, note graph on the 400 year graph. The prediction.

    and the idea that the Earth can expel energy received from the Sun by volcanic activity is one of the more fanciful contrivances for denying global warming that I have ever heard.

    Actually your hilarious, it is not a idea its called Science.

    Pseudo-scientific nonsense, of course, but it is refreshing to hear what half-educated people can come up with to justify their delusions.

    it amazes me to the fact that people try to debunk theories with no real points just mere negativity.

  • March 21, 2011 at 5:49 PM

    The premise of the article is filled with so many logical falsehoods that I’m surprised he bothered to print it. He mis-understands climate science.
    “How do i misunderstand Climate science?”

    He is not a climate scientist.

    “correct i never claimed to be”

    He has a thoroughly debunked set of public and private beliefs that he holds as truths.

    “How so?”

    Richard Schrouse is a conservative Christian who works in the engineering field in Houston, TX. There are strikes one (con), two (Xtian) and three (oil-related industry in Houston) for him.

    “I realize you have google, but you also have to realize that there are over fourty people named Richard Shouse. I don’t work for the oil industry. And i am definitely not a Conservative Christian”

    His above screed is filled with obfuscations and deliberate mis-information for religious and political points and purposes.

    There you have it.

    He has an agenda. He is NOT interested in truth because his religion demands that he obey and not question beliefs given to him by conservative political interests that pay his salary in the OIL business.

    The biggest question is for you. How does my article in anyway bring about a Conservative Christian view point?

  • March 20, 2011 at 8:47 PM

    The premise of the article is filled with so many logical falsehoods that I’m surprised he bothered to print it. He mis-understands climate science. He is not a climate scientist. He has a thoroughly debunked set of public and private beliefs that he holds as truths.

    Richard Schrouse is a conservative Christian who works in the engineering field in Houston, TX. There are strikes one (con), two (Xtian) and three (oil-related industry in Houston) for him.

    His above screed is filled with obfuscations and deliberate mis-information for religious and political points and purposes.

    There you have it.

    He has an agenda. He is NOT interested in truth because his religion demands that he obey and not question beliefs given to him by conservative political interests that pay his salary in the OIL business.

  • February 8, 2011 at 9:35 PM

    The first law of thermodynamics does not mean what you say, the Dalton minimum has not been observed to repeat in almost 200 years, and the idea that the Earth can expel energy received from the Sun by volcanic activity is one of the more fanciful contrivances for denying global warming that I have ever heard. Pseudo-scientific nonsense, of course, but it is refreshing to hear what half-educated people can come up with to justify their delusions.

  • February 3, 2011 at 8:22 PM

    You should never be allowed to use a keyboard again.

  • January 23, 2011 at 5:17 AM

    The evidence of this factor does not contain the last ten tears were the hotest seasons of
    none nother no retribution to some theroies. Scientist have proven Co 2 emissions were at a level of the highest in the last decade. Albert Einsteine predicted the colony of civilation swept by money and greed and was not a master of weather but did study in no means by increasing populations demands of advancing life styles. Even in biblical terms God said wouldnt flood the earth again. By Global warming even scientist agress by melting of polar ice caps over the next millenium a 1000 years u wont have to worry about civilation could with stand the heat. Will be a floating houses by then and arithimic passage of how people travel on water. The moral of the story or not wether u belive in Gog or proven evidenc.

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