Corrupt MC of DPS Housing Society Misleads the Delhi Police

March 21, 2017
Corrupt MC of DPS Housing Society Misleads the Delhi Police
Here is how DPS Housing Society matter is a visible case of corruption, lawlessness, criminal intimidation, besides intended human rights violation and environmental damage.
By Rakesh Raman
This is regarding the letter dated March 16, 2017 that the corrupt Managing Committee (MC) of the DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society at Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi has written to the Delhi Police at Dwarka. I received the copy of the letter from the MC on Monday, March 20.
In the said letter, the MC has complained against me and Mr. Devinder Wazir – who is another respected member of the DPS Housing Society – by narrating a cock and bull story to the police.
In its communication to the police, the MC has deceptively distorted and concealed the facts about my interactions with the MC, the threats that I have been receiving constantly from the MC and its supporters, and my interactions with the government with support from many members of the Society. [ Read the letter reference here. ]
While I briefly state a few facts here, I will provide the full details to the inquiry committee that I am asking the government to form in order to catch the culprits in the present and past MCs and their accomplices who are party to the illegal acts.
1. It is a case of corruption in the DPS Housing Society for which I have asked a thorough investigation. The previous as well as the current MC must know that the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi government has ordered an inquiry in this case under the directions from the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India. [ Click here to read the RCS letter. ]
The CVC is an apex Indian governmental body which is formed to deal with corruption cases in the government departments as well as the organizations governed by the government such as the DPS Housing Society MC which is the custodian of public money.
I had submitted the details of financial fraud and lawlessness to the office of CVC, on the basis of which, CVC office had directed an inquiry in the DPS Housing Society.
If the CVC is directing an inquiry, it has to be a corruption case. That’s why I call it corruption. And that’s why this case has to be investigated under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
I have been asking for a government inquiry because despite my repeated requests, the MCs have failed to provide the details and documents of expenditure involving huge money that the MCs have been showing in their account books.
Deceit and Fraud
2. The fraudulent acts of the MCs at DPS Housing Society can also be seen from the fact that they have arranged some kind of structural health report from a couple of firms to hoodwink the residents in order to carry out the harmful repair / construction project.
The appointment of the so-called engineer / architecture was done in a totally dishonest manner by the MCs without following any procurement rules and making them transparent.
According to a letter circulated in March 2017, the new MC suddenly revealed the firms’ names as M/s Vivek & Arti Architects and Spline Engineers & Consultant Pvt Ltd.
Who had appointed them, how were they appointed, what kind of deal was made with them? The MC did not bother to inform the residents beforehand. This is a clear case of willful deceit on the part of the MC, as it is handling and spending public money secretly.
The government must also investigate the people in these firms to know if there is a fraudulent collusion between the MCs of DPS Housing Society and these firms.
Even one member who is paying money can question MC’s financial and administrative decision. Majority is not required to challenge MC’s criminal acts.
3. The MC has still not provided the details of the expenditure – which is in hundreds of thousands or crores of rupees – that it spent without following any statutory financial procedures. I have a full right to ask for the financial details to know how my money is being spent by the MC.
4. The present and the past MCs have wilfully cheated me and other residents who have been asking the MCs for years to put all financial and other details transparently on a website, which is a legal requirement.
According to the government, the creation of such a website is compulsory for the Society to ensure financial transparency. [ Click here to read the government notification.]
As the successive MCs of the DPS Housing Society have refused to provide these financial details transparently on the web despite government orders, their act amounts to misappropriation of funds, corruption, and fraud which are cognizable offences.
5. In an act that clearly reflects lawlessness, the MCs have formed a big rogue group of resident members who gang up to threaten all those who oppose their wrongdoings.
This gang has falsely complained against me on the MC members’ insistence because the MCs have been allowing them to indulge in illegal activities including the defiance of court orders about car parking, unauthorized structural alterations in flats, prolonged environmentally harmful repair / renovation work in individual flats, and so on.
You can read the report on Delhi High Court order that the MC members and their supporters have been violating.
With the help of other law-abiding residents, I have been repeatedly asking the MCs to work honestly and according to the law (documents available for proof).
Instead of taking my genuine suggestions, the MCs have felt offended and filed a false police complaint against me because the MC members want to work in an opaque, dishonest, and corrupt manner – that I have been opposing vehemently.
6. As the MC members are always eager to make easy money, they are indulging in totally illegal activities. For example, without getting it cleared in the General Body Meeting (GBM), the current MC has unilaterally decided to sell the parking space in the Society (documentary evidence available). Other residents have also questioned the MC’s corrupt intentions indicating that the MC decision is not legal (proof available).
The present and past MC members have failed to reveal the financial procedures that they follow to select vendors (such as water suppliers in the past, security agencies, construction contractors, equipment maintenance firms, etc.) and their payment and other terms.
Criminal Intimidation
7. I am facing repeated threats from the MC members and their supporters because I am raising my voice against corruption, environmental damage, and human rights violations. They have even threatened me with a case to grab my flat by canceling my membership (documentary evidence available).
The MC members have also been threatening me with police cases and legal cases because I am asking the MCs to provide the financial details honestly and follow the law.
The MC members have also been threatening the other respected members of the Society who oppose their misdeeds. The police complaint against Mr. Devinder Wazir – who just circulated a weblink about the Society’s affairs – is an example of the dictatorial behaviour and criminal intimidation by the MCs against other members who have equal rights in the Society.
Recently, an MC president has even threatened a woman member / senior citizen of the Society by using abusive language against her because she has been questioning the MC’s foul practices. The case has been reported to the government and law-enforcement agencies to take action against that MC president (documentary evidence available).
As these MC members are forcefully trying to suppress all dissenting voices, they pose a serious threat to the democratic principles on which the cooperative societies are formed. So they have no right to continue in their positions as MC office bearers. This is one of the reasons that I have asked the government to suspend the MC of DPS Housing Society. [ Click here to read my letter dated March 10, 2017 to the Delhi government.]
Environmental Crime
8. In order to accomplish their illegal pursuit of extending the building under some vague FAR rules, the MC members are violating the environmental policies of the Government of India. As huge money is involved in this proposed extended construction project, the MC wants to start it by hook or by crook.
Besides ignoring the order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the MCs are also violating the Article 21 of the Indian Constitution that assures the citizens of India the right to a healthy, pollution-free environment.
9. In this case, not only the MC members, but their supporters are also party to the intended crime. All of them must be suitably interrogated by the police and law-enforcement agencies. Click the following link to know the details on how the DPS Housing Society MCs are pursuing an environmentally hazardous illegal act.
[ Life-threatening Environmental Hazard at DPS Housing Society in Delhi ]
Human Rights Violation
10. As the right to healthy environment is a fundamental human right, the MCs are also violating human rights by imposing the extended construction project on others who are living in the Society – which is a totally illegal and criminal act.
No government in the world can make any rule that is aimed to kill its own citizens. Thus, extended construction – which is harmful to human healths and lives – in group housing societies is an illegal activity.
Even if the majority of the members in a group housing society agree for extended construction, their decision cannot be accepted because it will endanger the health and lives of others. If even one member of the Society feels that the extended construction can harm his / her health and life, the Society cannot carry out extended construction.
11. With support from many residents of Dwarka / Delhi, I am running a major campaign to get the extended construction stopped in group housing societies so that our environment could be protected.
[ Read: Delhi Residents Unite to Stop Construction and Pollution in Dwarka ]
12. Therefore, I reiterate that the DPS Housing Society matter is a visible case of corruption, lawlessness, criminal intimidation, besides intended human rights violation and environmental damage.
I once again urge the Delhi government and the law-enforcement agencies to hold an independent inquiry in this case so that the honest people of the Society could live in a peaceful environment.
I will provide more specific details to the independent inquiry committee so that the culprits in the DPS Housing Society could be caught and punished according to the law.
I also request the government to suspend the current MC immediately and appoint a government administrator until the inquiry is complete. The continuation of the present MC is posing a serious threat to the moral, financial, socio-cultural, and environmental stability in the Society.
The government must also suitably advise the past and present MC members and their supporters that they should not harass or threaten me and other members of the Society who oppose their misdeeds.
Related Reports
[ Humanitarian Crisis Persists at DPS Housing Society in Delhi ]
[ DPS Housing Society Corruption Case: Thank You Manish Sisodia ]
*DPS Housing Society MC members and their accomplices involved in this case:
Previous MC
M.M. Shukla, Neeraj Vaish, Ms. Geeta Gautam, Ms. Leela Swami, R.K. Saggi, K.L. Narayanan, H.L. Kaul (Mr. H.L Kaul opposes extended construction).
Current MC
Neeraj Vaish, R. Bala Subramanian, M.N. Sampath Kumar, Ms. Leela Swami, Sandeep Taneja, Manguraam Tyagi, Ms. Naseem Afshaque.
Others in Shady Committee
Dalip Rozekar, Neeraj Vaish. M.M. Shukla, R. Bala Subramanian, Sandeep Taneja, Lal Singh Thakur.
Also, see the list of the MC members’ accomplices who should also be thoroughly interrogated by the police and law-enforcement agencies.
More names of people and firms will surface during the interrogation of the MC members.
About Me
I am a government’s National award-winning journalist and writer. Besides working at senior editorial positions with India’s leading media companies, I had been writing an edit-page column for The Financial Express newspaper. Nowadays, I am running my own global news services on different subjects.
I have also been running a free school for deserving children for the past about 2 years under my NGO – RMN Foundation.
Among other top assignments, I had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.
Moreover, I have been running major campaigns against terrorism, corruption, and pollution during the past more than 15 years of my career. DPS Housing Society is one of the many cases that I am currently handling and investigating. I will go to its depth to get all the culprits punished.
Thank You