Donald Trump Can Never be the President: Elizabeth Warren

Trump’s speeches and tweets are full of vulgar words such as “sleaze,” “stupid,” “goofy,” “crooked,” “liar,” “low life,” “bimbo,” and so on.
By Rakesh Raman
While doubts persist over Donald Trump’s candidature as the Republican Presidential nominee for the November election, the Republican Party experienced another jolt Thursday when Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren endorsed Hillary Clinton.
Warren, who is a sharp critic of Trump and called him a wannabe tyrant, says that the businessman-turned-politician can never become the U.S. President.
“Donald Trump has made it perfectly clear that he cares about exactly one person – Donald Trump. And that kind of man can NEVER be the President of the United States,” the firebrand senator stated.
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Trump has become a major embarrassment for the GOP, as the party’s top brass has been trying to defend a series of obnoxious utterances made by the presumptive nominee. He has openly antagonized a large section of voters with his hate speeches against local Muslims, Mexicans, and American journalists.
In an ongoing controversy, House Speaker Paul Ryan has shown his displeasure over Trump’s racist remarks against an Indiana-born Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing lawsuits against the defunct Trump University, which is believed to have fleeced a number of students who were lured to join it.
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Instead of discussing the merits of the case, Trump has been repeatedly saying without any justification that the Judge is a Trump hater because of his Mexican heritage.
Although GOP has denounced Trump’s racist comments, Warren – who is a likely Vice Presidential candidate for Democrats – has linked Trump’s remarks to GOP’s aggressive attitude toward American judiciary. Trump is right in the heart of controversy.
Trump has managed to attract many Americans with his sensational speeches, but most believe he is not fit to become the President because of his uncivil language and unstable thoughts.
Trump’s speeches and tweets are full of vulgar words such as “sleaze,” “stupid,” “goofy,” “crooked,” “liar,” “low life,” “bimbo,” and so on.
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It is learned that the GOP is so perturbed over Trump’s misbehaviour that it is seriously considering an unprecedented action to dump Trump at the Republican National Convention in July.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has withdrawn his support to Trump, and Speaker Paul Ryan are among the top Republicans who are being considered as Trump’s replacements.
Meanwhile, the Republicans have attacked Warren for her endorsement to Clinton.
“By endorsing Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren has shown herself to be a sellout. Whether it’s the Wall Street speech transcripts she refuses to release, her ties to the fossil fuel industry, or coziness with big banks, Hillary Clinton represents everything Elizabeth Warren supposedly stands against,” said Lindsay Walters, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
Photo courtesy: Elizabeth Warren