Environmental Hazard in Dwarka: Threats to Activist

Environmental Hazard in Dwarka: Threats to Activist
Here is the case and letter to the Delhi Police to take action.
Mr. Amulya Patnaik
Commissioner of Police
March 23, 2017
Dear Mr. Patnaik,
Please let me introduce myself as a government’s National award-winning journalist and writer. Besides working at senior editorial positions with India’s leading media companies, I had been writing an edit-page column for The Financial Express newspaper. Nowadays, I’m running my own global news services on different subjects.
Among other top assignments, I had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.
In the past, I have also worked as a senior technology / media advisor with the Punjab Police to spearhead some of the crucial psy-ops at the international scale.
These days, along with my editorial work, I also run a free school for poor children in the J.J. Colony of Sector 3, Dwarka.
Present Case
A few days ago, I launched a big awareness campaign to protect the environment in Dwarka by highlighting the risks of extended construction activity – which causes deadly dust and noise pollution – in the inhabited group housing societies.
Please click the following link to know the details of my campaign:
[ Delhi Residents Unite to Stop Construction and Pollution in Dwarka ]
Link: http://www.ramanmedianetwork.com/delhi-residents-unite-to-stop-construction-and-pollution-in-dwarka/
Hundreds of people in Dwarka have come forward to support my effort toward environmental protection. But the managing committees (MCs) of DPS Housing Society in Dwarka where I live have embarked upon a smear campaign against me because they want to start the massive environment-damaging construction project in the building.
The successive MCs of DPS Housing Society have been threatening me for the past many months so that I should not oppose their financial corruption and construction project. Besides attacking my social and professional status, their threats to me include filing of police cases and legal cases against me with the help of some of their supporters in the Society and their links with the authorities.
It is pertinent to mention here that the corruption is so rampant in the DPS Housing Society that I had approached the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India with details of its corruption. As a result, the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office had ordered an inquiry in this case under the directions from the CVC. The inquiry is still pending.
As I have recently requested the Delhi government including the Chief Minister and the Lt. Governor to suspend the MC of DPS Housing Society and hold a thorough investigation in the case, the MCs’ threats to me have increased. They also have threatened me with the cancellation of my membership from the Society in order to snatch away my flat.
Last week, the present MC members also lodged a fabricated police complaint against me in Dwarka with a view to intimidate me so that I should not oppose their lethal extended construction project which is extremely harmful to men, women, and children living in the Society.
I have published my response to their police complaint on my news site. You may please take a look at the following link:
[ Corrupt MC of DPS Housing Society Misleads the Delhi Police ]
Link: http://www.ramanmedianetwork.com/corrupt-mc-of-dps-housing-society-misleads-the-delhi-police/
With this email, I request you to suitably instruct the MC and its supporters in the Society that they should not harass or threaten me, as I have planned to intensify my environment protection campaign in Dwarka.
You are also requested to investigate the police complaint dated March 16, 2017 that the DPS Housing Society MC has filed against me, so that my name must not get sullied in the police records.
I request for an early response on my email, letting me know the action being taken at your end.
Please note: Since I work from early morning to late night everyday on my news sites, I keep my phones switched off to avoid disturbance.
Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA