Flop Show: Swaraj Samwad of Broken Aam Aadmi Party

Swaraj Samwad organized by the broken Aam Aadmi Party only offered some disturbing noise and failed to offer any Samwad (or disciplined debate).
By Rakesh Raman

Once upon a time two greedy cats found a piece of cheese and cut it into two pieces to have equal share of the thing that did not belong to them.
But one cat realized that the other is trying to grab a bigger piece and started quarreling over it. As their dispute turned ugly, they requested a monkey to mediate and help them have the equal piece of chopped cheese.
Monkey was very clever. He ate a part of the bigger piece of cheese to make it equal to the smaller one. But then the smaller became bigger and the monkey sunk his teeth in the now bigger piece. He kept doing this till he consumed the entire cheese while the greedy cats kept watching in shock and dismay.
Those of you who have read the story of these two cats and the monkey know that Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) – which is now broken into two greedy factions (like the greedy cats) and fighting over a piece of cheese (or the political power) – is repeating that story of greed and conflict.
The two AAP warring factions – one headed by Arvind Kejriwal and the other by the rebels Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav – are now looking for a monkey who could get them the equal share of the political plunder that they got in the form of the election victory in Delhi by cheating Delhi voters.
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In their first formal attempt to attack Kejriwal and woo the AAP volunteers and donors, the rebels held an event today near Delhi under the banner Swaraj Samwad. Although the event organizers had created a lot of pre-event hype about the expected attendance on Tuesday, it failed to attract audience as only a few participated. And you don’t know who they were.
The event allowed a few speakers from the breakaway group – who are opposed to Kejriwal and his working style – to address the audience. Most of these speakers were totally unknown faces who lacked intellect and communication skills, and failed to engage the audience.
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Their listless lectures covered everything except the main issues that AAP has been facing. They talked about Indian politicians B. R. Ambedkar, Charan Singh, and Punjab politics – the topics that have nothing to do with AAP.
Ramdas, who was sacked as AAP Lokpal by Kejriwal’s party, did not come to attend but his recorded message was delivered at the event. It was such a boring message that most would have slept.
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Among the other speakers was Shanti Bhushan – the father of AAP rebel Prashant Bhushan – and who is believed to be the brain behind the brawl. Shanti Bhushan is like the blind king Dhritarashtra, in Hindu epic Mahābhārata, who wanted the throne for his incapable son Duryodhana.
When Kejriwal became the Delhi chief minister in February and Shanti Bhushan’s son Prashant Bhushan was sidelined by Kejriwal, Shanti Bhushan conspired along with his son and the other rebel Yadav to launch an open revolt against Kejriwal so he could get some benefit for his son. And that led to the split in AAP.
Like other speakers, Shanti Bhushan too strayed with his thoughts and could not say even a word in his speech that could make sense. In his unimpressive voice, he mostly spoke about social activist Anna Hazare‘s anti-corruption movement, which has no relevance now.
The whole show looked like an unorganized marriage party where everybody was going in every direction without any purpose. Even the stage was not managed properly and one could see nervous human movement of on the stage. The event lacked content, it lacked direction, it lacked objective.
Swaraj Samwad only offered some disturbing noise and failed to offer any Samwad (or disciplined debate). The people who attended this Swaraj Samwad thing must be so depressed that they would never turn up for such a flop show that the rebels may be planning for future.
As the above-stated cat fight is expected to continue, you can soon hope to see the clever monkey to appear on the scene and get benefited from the fight. But for now, the only sufferer is Delhi’s voter. Do you agree?
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
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