ISIS – Is the Islamic State Really Islamic?

In his Sept. 10 speech, U.S. President Barack Obama outlined his strategy to combat the terrorists’ threat from ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
Obama said: “ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.”
But a “former Muslim” Brother Rachid differs with Obama’s point of view, saying what ISIS is doing is purely Islamic. He argues that the ISIS’ leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi holds a PhD degree in Islamic studies and he is leading the ISIS movement strictly according to the Islamic preachings.
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Correcting Obama on various counts, Brother Rachid says that all ISIS fighters are Muslims and they’re ready to sacrifice their lives for their religion. While ISIS members come from different countries, they follow Islam’s Prophet Muhammad in every detail, Brother Rachid said.
Also, he said, ISIS members implement Sharia in every piece of land they conquer. They pray five times a day and they have called for Caliphate, which is a central doctrine in Sunni Islam.
Brother Rachid, who said he has studied Islam, appears in a video message for President Obama. He suggests that ISIL is just a symptom and not a disease; if ISIL disappears, other ISILs will come under different names.
Photo: Screen grab from the Brother Rachid video