Kejriwal Fails to Save People. Learn to Die with Coronavirus in Delhi

Kejriwal must be prosecuted for the willful carelessness in handling the coronavirus infection and causing widespread destruction across the city.
By Rakesh Raman
In the beginning of the month – on May 3 – Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal decided to lift coronavirus lockdown restrictions which were, in fact, never enforced strictly in the city.
While throwing the social-distancing caution to the wind, Kejriwal allowed people to move cheek by jowl in the narrow streets of Delhi and asked them to live with the coronavirus infection.
But moron Kejriwal failed to understand that people can’t live with coronavirus; they can only die with coronavirus. As a result of Kejriwal’s recklessness, coronavirus is mercilessly killing people in almost every street of Delhi, although Kejriwal – who is a pathological liar – is not releasing the correct data about coronavirus cases and deaths in Delhi.
Reports suggest that Delhi has done only about 30,000 tests on the local population of 30 million (3 crore) people. In other words, only 1,000 tests are done for 1 million (10 lakh) people.
[ Amid False Coronavirus Data, India Becomes Global Epicenter of the Pandemic ]
While this number of tests is pathetically low to estimate the killing effect of coronavirus infection, even at this absurd level of testing, there would be many false negative and false positive cases.
But the Kejriwal administration – which is full of criminals – ignored all these harsh realities and pushed people into a burning inferno by lifting the lockdown restrictions.
While Kejriwal is telling blatant lies about the coronavirus deaths in the city, reports also suggest that in order to hide the actual extent of calamity that coronavirus is causing in the city, the cause of deaths on death certificates is not being mentioned as coronavirus. This is a case of criminal fraud which must be investigated.
It is estimated that actually hundreds of thousands of people are infected in Delhi and thousands would have died of coronavirus. But the Delhi Government is downplaying the devastation from the virus and taking callous decisions to open shops and businesses – which is expected to kill more people in the city.
Kejriwal is known for his incompetence and anti-people policies, as he could not save people of Delhi from poisonous pollution that is killing an estimated 4,000 people every month in the city which is the world’s most polluted national capital.
[ Also Read: 10 Reasons Why You Must Not Trust India’s Coronavirus Data ]
Now, more people in Delhi are dying because of lethal mix of pollution and coronavirus. A new study reveals a correlation between exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality. It says that a small increase in long-term exposure to PM2.5 leads to a large increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) death rate, with the magnitude of increase 20 times that observed for PM2.5 and all-cause mortality.
But Kejriwal is not perturbed by the death and destruction happening around him because of his arrogance and inaction. Also, the Delhi bureaucrats in Kejriwal’s government are highly corrupt who are ignoring public complaints regarding coronavirus.
Of late, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India, initiated disciplinary proceedings against four bureaucrats of Delhi Government for dereliction of duty regarding containment of the spread of coronavirus.
Similarly, Kejriwal must be prosecuted for the willful carelessness in handling the coronavirus infection and causing widespread destruction across the city. If Kejriwal is allowed to stay in office, more people will die in the city-state. In fact, rulers like Kejriwal are more dangerous than coronavirus.
Kejriwal is so careless and incompetent that he did not reply to a list of queries that I sent to him on May 7. Even the Lt. Governor (LG) office sent my queries to Kejriwal who preferred to ignore them instead of giving a truthful reply. My email text and the queries are given below.
To: Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister, Delhi
Copy: Mr. Anil Baijal, Lt. Governor, Delhi
May 7, 2020
Dear Mr. Kejriwal,
I am a journalist and I also publish Covid Health Bulletin (attached with this email) which covers global coronavirus news and views. As I am in the process of writing a report on coronavirus situation in Delhi, please send me your response to the following queries.
1. How do you select people who are being tested for coronavirus in Delhi?
2. Besides basic diagnostic tests, which other tests are you doing to confirm a positive or a negative case?
3. How many coronavirus tests were done during May 1 – May 7, 2020?
4. How many false negative and false positive cases did you find during May 1 – May 7, 2020?
5. Are you releasing correct data of coronavirus deaths in Delhi because there are reports that the cause of deaths is being concealed on death certificates of people who die from coronavirus?
6. How do you count the actual number of coronavirus cases and deaths when the number of tests that you do is negligibly small? Do you agree that the actual number of coronavirus patients and deaths is much more than what you are reporting?
7. How are you doing contact tracing and what action do you take after tracing the contacts?
8. While the number of cases and deaths (based on the insufficient data that you release) is increasing rapidly in Delhi, what prompted you to lift lockdown restrictions without taking any preventive measures?
9. Do you take responsibility for increasing number of deaths which are happening in Delhi because of your negligence and inaction?
10. Which factors will guide you to impose complete lockdown restrictions again or lift the restrictions all together?
11. You can add any other information that you think is relevant.
Please send me your response to the above queries by tomorrow (Friday, May 8, 2020).
[ The latest issue of Covid Health Bulletin is attached for your reference. ]
But Kejriwal did not reply.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications and research reports on different subjects. These publications include the “Covid Health Bulletin” that covers global coronavirus news and views.