LG Anil Baijal Plans to Reduce Pollution in Delhi. Green Group Formed.

Pollution in Delhi
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The Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi Anil Baijal reviewed Thursday the condition of air pollution in Delhi. The meeting, attended by other officers also, was in continuation of previous meetings that were held to implement a roadmap for improving air quality in the city-state.
According to a statement released by the office of the Lt. Governor, the government will take various steps to combat the pollution menace.
Considering the pollution issue in winter, operation of Badarpur Thermal Power plant will be closed from mid-October.
Meanwhile, the residents of Delhi have formed an environment protection group Green Group of Dwarka which will work to save the environment from air pollution, dust pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc. in order to minimize the effect of pollution on Climate Change.
[ Join the Green Group of Dwarka ]
Moreover, the NDMC has been tasked to prepare a standard operating procedure (SOP) for dust control at construction sites and other related parameters.
This will be done in consultation with Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) within two weeks, which could be uniformly adopted by all municipal corporations and other construction agencies. The LG stressed that such an SOP should be feasible and enforceable.
[ Delhi Pollution Is More Dangerous for Children and Senior Citizens ]
Mr. Baijal also directed that an intensive anti-firecrackers campaign should be undertaken particularly targeting school children. As such, the Directorate of Education was asked to issue necessary directions to the school principals to educate the students during morning assembly and other events.
Further, according to the LG office, PWD and Traffic Police were directed to review the traffic engineering arrangements in order to prevent the entry of non-destined vehicles, that are a major source of air pollution in Delhi.
[ Extended FAR Construction Causes Gas Pipeline Breakage in Dwarka ]
Among other measures, the Transport Department was also directed to finalize the draft Parking Policy expeditiously after a careful consideration of comments from all concerned.
Finally, the LG was apprised about the recent order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) regarding the ban on storage, sale and use of plastic carry bags of less than 50 micron. Mr. Baijal directed for strict enforcement of the directions of NGT in letter and spirit.
Measures to combat air pollution reviewed.Agencies to green the central verges. Std. Operating Procedure for mechanical road sweeping issued pic.twitter.com/Wmmy0leeWG
— LG Delhi (@LtGovDelhi) August 17, 2017
He requested all stakeholders to play an effective role so that there is a considerable improvement in the air quality of Delhi in the upcoming winter season.
Photo courtesy: LG office