New ISIS Video Shows All Is Well in the Islamic State

A new video shows that the life is perfectly normal in the areas controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
By Rakesh Raman
Most would have seen only the cruel side of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as the ISIS militants keep releasing videos of beheading and burning of their hostages.
However, a new video – believed to be released by the Al Hayat Media Center, the media division of ISIS – shows that the life is perfectly normal in the areas controlled by ISIS.
The 4-miniute video is shot in Arabic language and it covers the merriment happening in Nineveh, a city on the bank of the Tigris River that flows between Turkey and Iraq.
The video interviews of men and children have captured some smiling moments of their lives. This is in sharp contrast to the brutal picture of ISIS generally portrayed in the media.
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The video has been uploaded on the site. RMN cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the video.
As ISIS is trying to become a fully managed state, it is providing its administrative and citizen services like a popular government would do for its people.
Recently, ISIS claimed that its soldiers are providing comprehensive services to Muslims under the new regime which is supposed to become a Caliphate. In an issue of the Islamic State magazine Dabiq, ISIS said that in the midst of a raging war with multiple fronts and numerous enemies, life goes on in the Islamic State.
[ Read: How Islamic State Takes Care of Its Muslim Citizens ]
Moreover, it has decided to produce its own currency in the form of gold, silver, and copper coins to be called Islamic Dinars.
While the new currency may not be initially acceptable in other parts of the world, ISIS plans to use it in its own regime – in Iraq and Syria – and which is poised to expand in more territories. Currently, ISIS holds a state which is at least equivalent to the geographical area of the U.K.
On the HRD (human resource development) front, ISIS is focusing on systematic training for its soldiers. It has established numerous training camps dedicated to providing an essential level of training to its mujāhidīn. The fighters are trained properly before sending them into battle or assigning them to specific units for more specialized training.
[ Read: How Islamic State Trains Its Fighters ]
Meanwhile, the U.S. is planning new steps to fight and defeat ISIS. President Barack Obama has submitted a draft proposal to Congress that would authorize the continued use of military force against ISIL terrorists.
A White House statement said that a bipartisan AUMF (authorization to use military force) against ISIL (or ISIS) would provide a clear and powerful signal to the American people, to U.S. allies and enemies that the U.S. is united behind the effort to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
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