Paper Leak Case: Should CBSE Hold Re-Examination of Class 10 Maths Paper?

The Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) has taken the decision not to hold re-examination of Class-X maths paper even in Delhi-NCR and Haryana.
Therefore, according to CBSE, the class-X math re-examination will not be held anywhere in the country. Earlier on 30th March, 2018, the CBSE had issued a notification stating that re-examination of Class X would be conducted in Delhi-NCR and Haryana if considered necessary after inquiry in the paper leak case.
The Board has said that internal inquiries and analysis based on available material and inputs from the ongoing police investigations are indicating that the alleged leak may be confined to a few alleged beneficiaries.
[ दिल्ली के स्कूलों में शिक्षा का गिरता हुआ स्तर और उसमें सुधार का प्रयास ]
Similarly, according to CBSE, the trend of random evaluation done so far for Class X Mathematics paper is not indicating sudden spikes or unusual patterns, giving any impression of passing on widespread benefits of alleged leaks to students.
Further, the Board says it has come across several fake question papers being put up on social media, obviously with a view to spread panic amongst our students, parents and schools.
Meanwhile, the Board is constantly receiving representation from stakeholders indicating anxiety amongst Class X due to the uncertainty surrounding the Maths examination.
Also, the Board says it has received over 1000 calls on its Counselling Helpline Desk enquiring about whether the re-examination will be held and requesting for announcing the dates for the reconduct of Maths Class X examination.