Robyn Lawley Features in Curvy Swimsuit Calendar

Super model Robyn Lawley and blogger GabiFresh team up for Sexy at Every Curve, a new campaign by swimsuitsforall that has created the first-ever sexy curvy swimsuit calendar featuring these two gorgeous stars of plus size fashion.
Joined by models Jada Sezer and Shareefa J., the Sexy at Every Curve calendar aims to defy fashion’s status quo by portraying curvy women confidently flaunting their figures and looking incredibly sexy doing so.
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Shot in picturesque Turks and Caicos, the calendar depicts confident, sexy women with varying body types to highlight the beauty in all women. The digital Sexy at Every Curve calendar launched Tuesday.
The Sexy at Every Curve campaign includes an exclusive video featuring these iconic women discussing how they feel Sexy at Every Curve and empowering all women regardless of size to hit the beach, looking and feeling sexy.
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Robyn Lawley says, “We can help ensure women feel sexy on the beach by having nice available swimsuits in their sizes that are fitting and supportive so they can do the activities they love, like getting in the water.”
GabiFresh adds, “There’s no size limit to sexy. The women featured in the Sexy at Every Curve calendar are all different and all very sexy!”
The Sexy at Every Curve calendar is available for free.