Trump May Refuse to Leave the White House After Losing the November Election

It has been observed during the past 4 years of Trump’s dictatorship that he is above the law and he has surrounded himself with the best sycophants available in the U.S. market.
By Rakesh Raman
Those Americans who believe that they are living in a democratic country are in fact living in a fool’s paradise for Donald Trump has already made America a dictatorship state.
With his disrespect for the American judiciary, crackdown on peaceful protests, autocratic decisions during the coronavirus pandemic that will result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and collusion with foreign powers to steal elections, Trump has emerged as the first dictator in the modern American history.
A Twitter hashtag #TrumpDictatorship has also been trending on Trump’s dictatorship. And there are many research findings that indicate that Trump is a kind of reincarnation of dictator Adolf Hitler.
Now, there are apprehensions that Trump will again steal the November election – as he allegedly did in 2016 – to stay in power. But if he lost the election, he might refuse to vacate the White House.
In a recent interview with Trevor Noah, Trump’s Democratic rival Joe Biden admitted that his biggest fear heading into the presidential election in November is that Trump will try to hijack the results.
Regarding Trump’s refusal to leave the White House after his defeat, Biden has no other solution to drive out Trump except to depend on the U.S. military. In the interview, Biden said that the rank-and-file military personnel know that America is not a military state and they will escort Trump out from the White House.
But Biden may be totally wrong in his expectations. It has been observed during the past 4 years of Trump’s dictatorship that he is above the law and he has surrounded himself with the best sycophants available in the U.S. market.
Now it is being conjectured that there are a number of dishonest politicians – who were earlier cursing Trump – are being blackmailed to support Trump’s autocracy because of their secret links with sex offender and Trump’s friend Jeffrey Epstein.
Although it is said that Epstein committed suicide in the jail, rumors also suggest that he was murdered with the fear that he might spill the beans about top American politicians. A few weeks before his death in July 2019, Epstein was found unconscious in his jail cell with injuries on his neck. A new YouTube show sheds more light on the Epstein case.
With their support and with the help of a country like Russia, Trump is expected to win again. Although multiple polls predict Biden’s victory, as it was seen in 2016, these polls do not take into account the election frauds that are expected in November to help Trump win.
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As Trump knows how to circumvent the law to win election by hook or by crook, he might do it again in November. Then it will be impossible for any Democratic candidate – including Joe Biden – to win.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications and research reports on different subjects. These publications include the “Covid Health Bulletin” that covers global coronavirus news and views.