Wanna Talk to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal?

In an ongoing online survey on the RMN News Service, when people were asked “Are you satisfied with the work of AAP government in Delhi?” 79% said they are not satisfied, only 11% said they are satisfied while 10% could not decide.
By Rakesh Raman
While the living conditions in Delhi are going from bad to worse under the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government headed by Delhi’s chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, he has decided to talk to the people of Delhi.
“Talk To AK” is a new hype-driven stunt that Kejriwal has launched to gain cheap publicity. The idea is lifted from the radio program “Mann Ki Baat” of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is also an all-talk-no-work politician.
In fact, Kejriwal seems to be a deformed clone of Modi. Kejriwal – à la Modi – has also decided to hold his talk show on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. The show, which is being promoted with the hashtag #TalkToAK, is scheduled to take place on July 17.

If you want to talk to Kejriwal, you must know more about him and his political outfit AAP. The following articles will empower you to frame your questions for Kejriwal.
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Meanwhile, in an ongoing online survey on the RMN News Service, when people were asked “Are you satisfied with the work of AAP government in Delhi?” 79% said they are not satisfied, only 11% said they are satisfied while 10% could not decide. [ Results as on July 14, 2016 ]

Kejriwal has launched a dedicated website on which people are being asked to send their questions to him.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company