Welcome to the Smart City of Stray Dogs

Now it’s not only about corruption and pollution in Delhi, but there is also a swarm of stray dogs that are spreading filth in every corner of the city.
By Rakesh Raman
Believe me, there is no dearth of jokers in the Indian government. When they promise to do something for the people of the country, you must simply laugh it off as a joke because they are never serious.
The latest joke is being cracked by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he said his government will build some smart cities in India.
Modi knows that he himself and his ministers in the government are not competent enough to handle any professional job. Worse, they don’t even possess the relevant education to take any decision in the departments they are supposed to manage. They fail to realize that votes don’t give wisdom.
Now with the little knowledge (or perhaps no knowledge), they are making some promises for the development in the country. But they know that they can never fulfill those promises, as they don’t possess the requisite skills.
When Modi screams about smart cities, he deliberately prefers to forget that he can’t even make India’s capital New Delhi livable for human beings. Today, with a population of over 25 million, Delhi is perhaps the dirtiest city of the world.
[ New Delhi: The Case of a Neglected City ]Instead of providing some basic amenities to the people of Delhi for their mere survival, Modi is making false promises about smart cities. In the process, he will once again squander public money worth billions of dollars as he has done on a number of other projects that simply fizzled out.
For example, “Make in India” about manufacturing in the country is an utter failure. “Clean India” continues to be dirty. “Digital India” could not take off, India’s capital New Delhi is a dirty and polluted city, and Yoga on Yoga day proved to be a monkey dance for a few fools who believe in Modi’s empty talk.
Actually, to avoid the stinking filth in India and particularly in New Delhi, Modi prefers to spend most of his time luxuriously in the developed countries of the world, while India continues to be an underdeveloped country.
[ Read: Narendra Modi Is Having a Ball at Your Expense ]
Now it’s not only about corruption and pollution in Delhi, but there is also a swarm of stray dogs that are spreading filth in every corner of the city. There is no attempt from the Indian government and the Delhi government to make Delhi clean.
As most politicians in India are illiterate and block-headed, you should not be surprised if tomorrow they say that stray dogs and filth are features of the smart city that they plan to make. The following pictures portray the real picture of Delhi. All these are original pictures that I have taken from different areas of Delhi. All for you.

Attack of the dogs in Delhi

Stray cattle grazing on an open site full of rubbish near a housing colony.

Polluted water in an open pavement in Delhi

The entire rubbish of the locality thrown in the open is blocking a part of the road.

Risky pits right in the middle of the road near a government school.

Open pavement that can cause a fatal accident particularly when people walk in the dark.

Stinking site where only stray dogs can live. But it is near a populated residential area.
When India’s capital New Delhi has become a veritable hell for the people of the city, you can imagine the plight of other cities and villages of India. Today, there is no governance because there is no virtuous government in India. In the given situation, people must learn to live in the hell – the kind of hell that Delhi has become.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
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