344 Feature Films in Contention for Best Picture Oscar

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Three hundred forty-four feature films are eligible for the 2019 Academy Awards, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on Tuesday, December 17.

To be eligible for 92nd Academy Awards consideration, feature films must open in a commercial motion picture theater in Los Angeles County by December 31, and begin a minimum run of seven consecutive days.

Under Academy rules, a feature-length motion picture must have a running time of more than 40 minutes and must have been exhibited theatrically on 35mm or 70mm film, or in a qualifying digital format.

[ Shortlists in Nine Award Categories Announced for 92nd Oscars ]

Feature films that receive their first public exhibition or distribution in any manner other than as a theatrical motion picture release are not eligible for Academy Awards in any category. The “Reminder List of Productions Eligible for the 92nd Academy Awards” is available here.

Nominations for the 92nd Academy Awards will be announced on Monday, January 13, 2020.

The 92nd Oscars will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2020, at the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood, and will be televised live on the ABC Television Network.

The Oscars also will be televised live in more than 225 countries and territories worldwide.

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Rakesh Raman