750000 Apply for 707 Low-Level Jobs. MBA-MCA Ready to Work as Sweepers

The so-called educated people in India are not employable in any modern field. Worse, most of them are not even trainable.
By Rakesh Raman
As joblessness is spreading like a dreaded disease in India, new reports suggest that a large number of professional degree holders are ready to take low-level jobs meant for uneducated people.
Thousands of applicants with B.Tech., MBA, and Postgraduate degrees are currently appearing in a written test happening during December 17, 2018 – January 9, 2019 for Delhi Police jobs such as cobblers, gardeners, barbers, cooks, tailors, and sweepers. The eligibility for these jobs was only 10th class qualification.
Delhi is not the only place in India where unemployment is poised to cause social unrest. Google search reveals that there is no value of educational degrees as the crowds of unemployed degree holders are increasing in India.
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As the education quality is very poor in India, the degree holders do not learn skills that are required in the modern job market. As a result, the employment situation is equally bad in all parts of the country. It is reflected in the worsening Human Development Index (HDI) of India.
Published by the United Nations Development Programme, HDI indicates the level of skills in a country and lets you know if people in that country are able to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, India falls at No. 130 in the global list of countries ranked on the basis of their HDI.
The HDI rank of war-torn countries such as Iraq, Palestine, and also Sri Lanka, China, Namibia, Vietnam, and Guyana are better than that of India.
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That means, despite all the loud claims by the Indian governments about the education standards in the country, the education in India is not producing skilled workforce. The so-called educated people in India are not employable in any modern field. Worse, most of them are not even trainable.

Consequently, out of nearly 500 million workers in India, over 94% work in unorganized sector as pushcart vendors, street hawkers, domestic servants, and so on. This means the education standards in India are so poor that schools and colleges are not producing workforce employable for respectable jobs in the organized enterprises.
Plus, the web is replete with facts and figures that reveal the irrelevance of Indian education systems and how they are wasting students’ time and parents’ money.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.