Presidential Crisis: VIDEO Calls 37 Electors to Dump Trump

Although Trump has managed to attract many Americans with his sensational rhetoric, most believe he is not fit to become the President because of his uncivil language and unstable thoughts.
By Rakesh Raman
Close on the heels of an appeal letter addressed to the U.S. electors to block the presidency of Donald Trump who won the November 8 election after defeating his rival Hillary Clinton, a new movement has decided to follow suit.
‘Unite For America’ claims to be a movement of concerned citizens and communities formed in the wake of the 2016 U.S. “Presidential Crisis.”
It has released a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) video that is urging 37 Republican patriots (electors) to send the vote to the house to stop Trump’s presidency.
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The U.S. election process will officially conclude on December 19 when the 538 Electoral College electors have cast their ballots.
At this stage, 306 electors are expected to vote Trump by December 19. However, if 37 of them decide to vote against him, Trump may not be the President because a minimum of 270 electoral votes are required to become the President.
Presidential Rejection
Many Americans have refused to accept Trump as their future President, because of his repeated hate speeches against different sections of society and rude behaviour.
Although Trump has managed to attract many Americans with his sensational rhetoric, most believe he is not fit to become the President because of his uncivil language and unstable thoughts.
His speeches and tweets were full of vulgar words such as “sleaze,” “stupid,” “goofy,” “crooked,” “liar,” “low life,” “bimbo,” and so on.
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Plus, the chattering classes also believe that Trump played hand in glove with Russian hackers to steal the election in his favour, although Trump has rejected these allegations.
“Trump’s unprecedentedly unqualified administration, Russia’s confirmed influence over his candidacy, and his associated conflicts of interest are an affront to the core American values that Republicans, Democrats and Independents have historically fought to protect,” ‘Unite For America’ states on its website.
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‘Unite For America’ says it is a post-partisan movement of concerned citizens and volunteers, united against the unprecedented threat of an unqualified candidate taking the nation’s highest office.
Similarly, the letter to electors suggests that Trump’s “inauguration would present a grave and continual threat to the Constitution, domestic tranquility, and to international stability.”
It urges them not to vote Trump and instead cast their ballot for a person with the temperament, integrity, and commitment to the Constitutional principles necessary for a President.
If Trump remains the final choice of electors, the Inauguration Day ceremony will take place on January 20, 2017 when Trump is scheduled to begin his four-year term as President.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government award-winning journalist and runs free school for deserving children under his NGO – RMN Foundation.