Pakistan Attacks India. China Threatens India. Modi Is Silent

By Rakesh Raman
China today warned India of serious consequences if the Indian troops dared to enter Chinese territory. China threatened India through People’s Daily – an influential media property of China.
China’s warning stated that the recent entry of Indian border troops into Chinese territory is illegal which cannot be backed by any historic facts or legal basis.
The article said that “Indian troops have illegally crossed the delimited Sikkim section of the China-India boundary and obstructed the normal activities of Chinese border troops in Doklam.”
In a separate report today, People’s Daily quoted Pakistan Army to reveal that Pakistan has destroyed 2 Indian posts and killed 4 Indian soldiers in response to ‘unprovoked Indian firing from across Line of Control‘.
However, the Indian side including the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is completely silent on the escalating military tensions on India-China and India-Pakistan borders.
Congress – a marginal political party in India which has almost lost its existence in the political arena – said Modi falsely believes that talking tough in election rallies is the same as being tough on China on the diplomatic front.
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In the last 45 days, according to Congress, there have been nearly 120 Chinese incursions, Indian bunkers have been destroyed, and Chinese warships and submarines have reportedly been spotted in the Indian Ocean.
Pakistan destroys 2 Indian posts, kills 4 Indian soldiers in response to ‘unprovoked Indian firing from across Line of Control’: Pak army
— People’s Daily,China (@PDChina) July 10, 2017
China has halted the passage of religious pilgrims of the Mansarovar Yatra. China has posted pictures of the destroyed bunkers and in June of 2017, two Chinese Army choppers violated Indian Air space in Uttarakhand, Congress said.
“Hyperbole and empty rhetoric – this has been the defining feature of Modi’s foreign policy,” Congress lamented, adding that the nation is shocked by the meek response of the Modi Government to threats from China.
In the past three years, according to Congress, Modi Government’s foreign policy has been defined more by the Prime Minister’s search for holiday destinations and photo opportunities rather than actually serving India’s interests.
Meanwhile, China advised that the correct way out for India is to abide by the provisions of the boundary convention and pull all of the troops that have crossed the boundary back to its own side immediately and unconditionally.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government’s National award-winning journalist. He had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development. He also runs a free school for deserving children under his NGO – RMN Foundation.