RCS Office of Delhi Govt Delays Corruption Inquiry in Bhagwati CGHS of Dwarka

RCS Office of Delhi Govt Delays Corruption Inquiry in Bhagwati CGHS of Dwarka
RMN News Service – which is a leading online news service in the world – has been running an exclusive community-driven online editorial section under the banner “Clean House”.
This editorial service helps the suffering residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice particularly in cooperative group housing societies where millions of people live.
While the residents from different housing societies share information and related documents with “Clean House,” it works as an effective interface to inform the government departments and law-enforcement agencies in India and abroad about the cases of corruption and other irregularities happening in housing societies.
In a new case, the aggrieved residents of The Bhagwati Cooperative Group Housing Society (CGHS) recently approached “Clean House” to take up their case. After studying the documents, as the editor of “Clean House” service, I sent the initial notice to the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government which is supposed to regulate the societies’ affairs. But the RCS office did not respond.
The office of the Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi had also sent my email request to the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) as well as the Nodal Officer of RCS office on May 16, 2018. But the RCS office ignored that too and did not respond.
As I have given the opportunity to the RCS office to present its observations on the said case and the RCS office did not respond, now I will write the report(s) that will highlight the corruption (if any) at Bhagwati CGHS. I also will share my reports with the concerned government and law-enforcement agencies so that the affected residents of Bhagwati CGHS could get justice and relief.
If you want “Clean House” to report about the corruption and illegal activities in your housing society, you may please contact me with relevant documents and details.
You can read my notice that I had sent to the RCS office in the Bhagwati CGHS case.
Mr. J.B. Singh, IAS
Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS)
Delhi Govt.
Media Info on Bhagwati CGHS Corruption Case
Case: The Bhagwati Co-operative Group Housing Society (CGHS) Limited Registration No. (1112 GH) Plot No. 1A, Sector 22, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110078.
May 16, 2018
Dear Sir,
I am a government’s national award-winning journalist and social activist. I also run an exclusive community-driven online editorial section under the banner “Clean House” to help the suffering residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in cooperative group housing societies.
Now some residents of The Bhagwati Co-operative Group Housing Society have informed me about the “cheating, fraud, criminal misappropriation of funds, criminal breach of trust, and criminal conspiracy” that is happening in their Society “in connivance with the RCS office.”
As I have to write a media report on my news site under the “Clean House” section, I need some information from the RCS office to get your response on the allegations made by the harmed Society members.
Please refer to your office order No. F. 47/1112/GH/E/2013-14/335-340 dated 15.05.2015 which is signed by Addl. RCS Mr. Raj Kumar regarding the inspection at The Bhagwati Co-operative Group Housing Society (CGHS) Limited.
The above-stated order sought an inspection into the constitution, working and financial condition of the The Bhagwati CGHS Ltd. on the following issues:
1. Whether the appointment / award of contract to the contractor and architect of the Society, is as per law?
2. Whether the work awarded to the contractor and architect is based on reasonable rates?
Moreover, the suffering residents of The Bhagwati CGHS allege that the financial and other irregularities have increased manifold now and the contractor M/s Best Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. with the help of a few accomplices has influenced the RCS office unscrupulously to get some members expelled from the Society and get the RCS-ordered inspection stopped.
Please refer to the letter dated 13.04.2018 that the aggrieved members of The Bhagwati CGHS have submitted in the RCS office requesting you to complete the pending inspection and investigate the ongoing irregularities at The Bhagwati CGHS.
In this regard, please provide me the information on the following points:
- What is the status of the above-mentioned inspection?
- What is the name of the inspection officer appointed to carry out the inspection?
- If the inspection has not been carried out, what are the reasons for this delay and lapse?
- Is there any corruption or kickbacks involved in this case to get the inspection scuttled?
- What action has the RCS office taken against the officials who are responsible for this lapse?
- If the inspection has not yet been started, when will you start it and when will you release the findings of the inspection?
- While you are planning to start the inspection, can you suspend the present management committee of The Bhagwati CGHS and appoint a government administrator to control the day-to-day affairs?
- You can add any other point that you think is important in this case.
As I have to write a media report on this case, please send me your response on the above points in the next 2 days – by May 18, 2018.
You can visit the “Clean House” section at the following weblink:
[ Report Corruption in Delhi Housing Societies to Clean House ]
Weblink: http://www.ramanmedianetwork.com/report-corruption-in-delhi-housing-societies-to-clean-house/
Rakesh Raman
Managing Editor
Raman Media Network
Global News Service
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, INDIA
You may please contact me on my email.