Navalny Team Raising Funds to Launch a New Media Channel

Navalny – who is a fierce political opponent of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – is currently serving a prison sentence after recovering from an assassination attempt.
By RMN News Service
A fundraiser is underway to get financial support to reveal the reasons behind Russia’s illegal attack on Ukraine. Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny’s team has launched the fund-collection campaign which promises to spread the truth about Russia’s war in Ukraine and Putin’s corruption.
“Help us defeat Putin’s propaganda! We want to create an honest media channel where Russians can have access to uncensored reporting about the war in Ukraine,” the campaign says.
Navalny – who is a fierce political opponent of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – is currently serving a prison sentence after recovering from an assassination attempt, which was allegedly made with orders from the Russian authorities.
As an anti-corruption activist, he has organized protests and run for office to advocate reforms against corruption in Russia. A Russian court has sentenced him to 9 years in a high-security prison, as the court imposed a new punishment on Navalny, who was already serving a 2.5-year sentence for violating parole in his poisoning recovery.
The new campaign launched on GoFundMe crowdfunding site adds that propaganda kills, and pening the news and looking at the pictures of ruined Ukrainian cities would be enough to realize this. The problem is that most people in Russia are denied the chance to see this news, and even if they do, they believe it to be fake, the campaign says.
“The sooner Russians wake up and recognize the horrific reality, the sooner the war will end. To bring it to an end and prevent further wars, we want to launch our own news media channel, one that cannot be shut down by the Kremlin, and reach out to the millions who are still unaware of what Putin is doing on their behalf.”
In recent years, according to the campaign statement, Putin has been successively destroying independent Russian media and driving them out of the country. He wants no one to open Russians’ eyes to what is going on. He wants people to think they support a “special operation” to liberate Ukrainian civilians from the “Nazis”, while what they actually support is war and genocide.
The moment most Russians realize what is really going on in their country, Putin’s power will end, and the war will end with it. But for that to happen, the truth must be conveyed to them. We want them to know the truth but to achieve this we need to create a constant free flow of information, an actual media channel.
A Navalny team member Leonid Volkov is organizing the fundraiser.