Delhi Policeman Kicks and Slaps Muslims Offering Prayers: Reports

Delhi Policeman Kicks and Slaps Muslims Offering Prayers: Reports
By RMN News Service
Delhi Police – which is known for its brutality and criminality – has once again shown its evil acts on the roads of India’s capital New Delhi. A video is circulating on social media to show an unruly policeman who is seen kicking and slapping Muslims who were offering prayers on a road in Delhi.
A report of today (March 8) by India Today magazine reveals that the policeman has been suspended. The video shared by a number of Twitter users shows the untamed policeman arguing with a crowd that challenged him for his cruel behaviour. The incident occurred in Delhi’s Inderlok area today (March 8).
Although India Today reported that the policeman has been suspended, there is a possibility that finally he will get-off scot-free, as Delhi Police enjoys full impunity and usually does not get punished for its criminality.
Our RMN News Service cannot confirm the authenticity of the said video independently.