Achal Kumar Joti: New Chief Election Commissioner of India

Achal Kumar Joti assumed charge today as the 21st Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India, succeeding Dr. Nasim Zaidi. Dr. Zaidi demitted office yesterday after completing his tenure.
After the assumption of charge, Joti spoke about the priorities of the Commission and said that the Commission will pursue vigorously its commitment to hold free, fair, inclusive, and credible elections throughout the country.
He said the Commission will also pursue its mission to ensure that “No Voter to be Left Behind” and it will actively promote e-Governance for holding of elections to the State Assemblies and Parliamentary Elections in the country.
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Joti has served as Election Commissioner since 13th May, 2015. During his tenure as Election Commissioner, State Assembly elections in the States of Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakand, Manipur and Goa were conducted.
Some of the tasks undertaken during these elections are IT initiatives including the one for service voters through Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System (ETPBS), along with National Voter Service Portal (NVSP) – an e-portal for easy registration of eligible voters, voter awareness and educational initiatives, and stringent expenditure monitoring mechanism etc.
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Before joining the Election Commission of India, Joti has served as a Civil Servant of Indian Administrative Service (1975 Batch). According to a government statement released today, he brings with him a rich experience of Public Administration of 42 years.
Joti superannuated as Chief Secretary to the Government of Gujarat in January 2013 after completing a three-year tenure.
Photo courtesy: Press Information Bureau