Anna Hazare to Arvind Kejriwal: You Have Cheated the People

Arvind Kejriwal was supporting Anna Hazare in his anti-corruption movement. But Kejriwal had deserted the social activist to form a political outfit.
By Rakesh Raman
Social activist Anna Hazare has told Delhi chief minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal that Kejriwal has betrayed him and the people who supported him.
In a letter dated Dec. 23, 2016 written to Kejriwal, Hazare has expressed his anguish on many issues pertaining to Kejriwal’s extreme greed and betrayal.
Kejriwal was supporting Hazare in his anti-corruption movement of 2011. But he deserted the social activist to form a political outfit AAP.
According to Hazare’s letter written in Hindi, a group of donors to AAP is feeling cheated by Kejriwal. They have informed Anna Hazare about their decision to stop their donations to Kejriwal and his party.
Instead of being transparent about the sources of party funds, Kejriwal has acted dishonestly by removing the donor’s list from the AAP website, Hazare’s letter reveals. “This is not good for you (Kejriwal) who claims to be a leader of the society,” Hazare said in his letter.
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But Hazare is not alone. Today, most people in Delhi know that Kejriwal is a betrayer who has totally ignored the voters after winning the election about two years ago. While Kejriwal and other politicians close to him are having a ball with public money, people of Delhi are suffering.
Today, for example, Delhi is the most polluted and perhaps the dirtiest city in the world. But Kejriwal’s government has not made any attempt to clean the city.
Similarly, the education standard in Delhi is in a deplorable state, but Kejriwal and others in his government have been telling blatant lies about the quality of school education which has actually gone from bad to worse.
[ स्कूल बेकार, पढ़े–लिखे बेरोजगार, यह है दिल्ली सरकार ]
Although Kejriwal won the election with the promise to weed out corruption from Delhi, the truth is that corruption is so rampant in almost every street of Delhi that Kejriwal has failed to check it.
While Kejriwal and his ministers are totally incompetent, they blame lieutenant governor (LG) of Delhi Najeeb Jung for their own failures. Without any reasoning, they allege that Jung does not allow them to work.
Since Jung did not have any trust in Kejriwal’s administrative ability, he took all the work of Delhi in his own hands. And, like a street rogue, Kejriwal keeps abusing Jung in an extremely vulgar language that most parents would not like their children to hear or read.
[ Najeeb Jung Sold His Soul to Narendra Modi: Arvind Kejriwal ]
Recently, Kejriwal said that Najeeb Jung has sold his soul to India’s Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi. Kejriwal was venting out his anger on Jung because the latter is calling the shots in Delhi while Kejriwal has been relegated to a mere figurehead role after a recent court order which decreed that Jung is the administrative head of Delhi.
Meanwhile, Najeeb Jung has resigned from his post. Jung’s exit will make things worse for the people who are already disturbed by the lack of governance in Delhi.
In an ongoing RMN Poll given below, a whopping 78% people say they are not satisfied with Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi.
You can select your poll option and click the small box under the options to vote and see the results so far.

Plus, in the RMN Popularity Poll, Kejriwal’s own popularity is severely damaged. With only 7% votes, Kejriwal stands at No. 9 in a list of 10 candidates. You can vote and check out the poll results so far.
The main reasons for the downfall of Kejriwal and his AAP are his own incompetence and repeated lies that he tells about the performance of his party in Delhi. The same is highlighted in Hazare’s letter.
“You had made many promises to me and the people about changing the rotten system in the country. But I feel sad to say that you have not fulfilled any of your promises,” Hazare told Kejriwal.
The social activist also stated that for Kejriwal money and power have become more important than the social change that he had promised.
“If you want to run your party like this, then what is the difference between your party and others?” Hazare asked Kejriwal. Will he listen?
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government award-winning journalist and social scientist. You also can visit the REAL VOTER – Politics in India Information Center that he manages.