Are Judges and Lawyers Working Independently to Protect Democracy?

Are Judges and Lawyers Working Independently to Protect Democracy?
The report will examine the role of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, including community justice workers, in safeguarding democracy.
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Margaret Satterthwaite, invites inputs for her next thematic report on safeguarding the independence of judicial systems in the face of contemporary challenges to democracy. The report will be presented at the 56th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2024.
Member States, national human rights institutions, and other relevant State institutions, international and regional organizations, civil society, scholars, activists, and other interested individuals and organizations can provide their inputs.
The report will examine the role of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, including community justice workers, in safeguarding democracy. A special focus will be placed on the ways independent judicial systems provide institutional checks and balances and oversight of the actions of the executive and legislative branches of government.
According to the UN Human Rights Office, submissions will help form her views and understanding of the issues. The report will include relevant and achievable recommendations for Member States and other stakeholders and be made available on her website and other channels. You can send your submission by 31 January 2024.