Bollywood Actress Dia Mirza Stars in Big Cat Challenge

In order to stop the illegal trade in wildlife, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and collaborators have launched Big Cat Team Challenge.
To participate, you can join the celebrity champions as they lead the Challenge—for Jaguars, Lions, Snow Leopards, and Tigers- a joint effort to raise awareness and protect these endangered big cats.
A Bollywood actress Dia Mirza is leading the snow leopard team. You can choose a team to join and pledge to make informed buying decisions and never consume illegal wildlife products.
If your team generates the most pledges, UN Environment and collaborators — CCG — Investors in Wildlife, Discovery Communications and Panthera — will make a donation to the project impacting your team’s flagship species.
The winner will be announced on Earth Day 22 April.
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It is believed that the illegal trade in wildlife is driving species to the brink of extinction while posing environmental, economic, development and security risks.
But you can reverse this trend. Countries around the world, the United Nations, many other international and national organizations, businesses, governments and key opinion leaders are all working together to raise awareness, enact and enforce stronger laws, and step up support to local communities’ efforts to stop the illegal trade in wildlife.
Many species are protected by national and international laws because their populations are at risk. When people kill or take them from the wild, despite this protection, the animal or plant and its products are all part of the illegal trade.
Photo courtesy: UNEP