Building Capacity for Climate Law & Governance

Climate Law & Governance
Climate Law & Governance

In order to raise awareness and strengthen capacity on legal and institutional climate reforms and frameworks, the Climate Law and Governance Initiative (CLGI) will convene a capacity building course with the support of some of its key partners.

The course will take place alongside the CoP24 on Sunday, 9 December 2018. As leading climate law and governance experts join over 15,000 delegates and observers, the course will provide an opportunity for delegates, observers, and students to enhance their understanding of the legal and institutional mechanisms available to implement the Paris Agreement.

[ Read: Clean Climate Environment News Magazine ]

This interactive capacity-building course will introduce participants to laws of promoting renewable energies, climate finance, transparency provisions and the Paris Agreement, human rights law and climate change, loss and damages and climate displacement. The course will take place at the University of Silesia, Katowice.

Photo: CLGI

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Rakesh Raman