Campaign Highlights Argentina’s Contempt for U.S. Courts
The America Task Force Argentina (ATFA) released an ad Wednesday showing “Argentina’s ongoing, massive violations of U.S. and international law.”

The ad specifically depicts the February 2013 incident in which Argentina told a panel of U.S. Court of Appeals judges that it would disregard orders from that court. According to ATFA, the courtroom exchange was captured on video and is available at
“These ATFA ads will appeal to all Americans. Argentina’s continual violation of U.S. laws and defiance of U.S. judges does not go over well with the American people,” said ATFA director Robert Raben.
“Argentina has consistently defied over 100 U.S. court judgments, despite having waived its sovereign immunity and its prior agreement to submit to the U.S. court system when it issued bonds under New York law. Make no mistake: Argentina has never offered to negotiate a fair settlement. Its defiance of the U.S. legal system now threatens to undermine New York as a global financial center.”
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ATFA’s ad coincides with intense scrutiny of Argentina on Capitol Hill. Several Members of the U.S. Congress have recently expressed concern about Argentina’s treatment of the U.S. judicial system.
In response to these concerns, ATFA says, Secretary of State John Kerry stated on March 12 that the State Department would not side with Argentina in its legal disputes and urged Argentina to repay its debts to the U.S. government and to engage with creditors, both public and private.
ATFA is an alliance of organizations united for a just and fair reconciliation of the Argentine government’s 2001 debt default and subsequent restructuring.