China = India: Human Rights Watch World Report 2023

China = India: Human Rights Watch World Report 2023
Excerpts from the Human Rights Watch World Report 2023
As discomfort around the Chinese government’s repressive ambitions has grown, governments, including those of Australia, Japan, Canada, the UK, EU, and US have looked to cultivate trade and security alliances with India, taking cover behind its brand as the “world’s largest democracy.”
But Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has mimicked many of the same abuses that have enabled Chinese state repression—systematic discrimination against religious minorities, stifling of peaceful dissent, and use of technology to suppress free expression—to tighten its grip on power.
The seemingly careless trade-off on human rights that world leaders make, justified as the cost of doing business, ignores the longer-term implications of their compromises. Deepening ties with the Modi government while avoiding its troubling rights record squanders valuable leverage to protect the precious, but increasingly endangered, civic space on which India’s democracy relies.
You can click here to read the India report and click here to read the full report.