Conference Opens in Delhi to Focus on Green Technologies

After the Paris Agreement, the world as a whole has recognized that climate change is a serious issue and it needs to be addressed globally in a mission mode.
This was stated by Piyush Goyal, an Indian Renewable Energy minister. He was addressing the delegates at the 3-day 8th World Renewable Energy Technology Congress in Delhi today.
The annual conference is planned in the backdrop of India’s vision on achieving “Energy Independence and Power for all by 2022”. It focusses on new Green Technologies to ensure clean, reliable and affordable renewable energy supplies.
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According to the government, the conference aims to provide an opportunity and open forum to exchange information, share experiences and best practices by bringing together experts, investors and other multi stake holders public and private sector, advisory groups, governments, NGOs, non-profit organizations, environmentalists, and academia.
Addressing the gathering, Goyal noted that the last 10 to 15 years have seen a rapid decline in the quality of atmosphere due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions globally and it has become probably the largest challenge before humanity today.
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He informed that India is spearheading a number of engagements on the global platform to address the challenge. These include the International Solar Alliance (ISA), the Mission Innovation, global engagements on rapid de-carbonization of the energy space, and the African Renewable Energy Initiative.
Goyal talked about the 3Ds: Decarbonization, Decentralization, and Digitalization of the energy space. “With each passing day we are running out of time and we need to accelerate our efforts in coordination to promote clean energy and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” the Minister said.
Photo courtesy: Press Information Bureau