CPIM Releases 4 Booklets on 4 Years of Modi Govt Misrule

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) or CPIM released Friday 4 booklets which describe 4 years of “Narendra Modi government’s misrule and ‘why it has to end’.”
The event was attended by CPIM General Secretary Sitaram Yechury and Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat. They asserted that Modi government is robbing the poor and facilitating the booty for the rich. Simultaneously, they added, it is also a government that spread lies and true lies.
Sitaram Yechury while introducing these booklets stated that this government must go as it has mounted unprecedented burden on the people. The conditions of the common people have deteriorated very badly in these four years, he said.
He added that demonetization, GST has robbed the people and consolidated the gains for the corporates in the country. He also laid stress on the private armies being run by Modi’s party BJP who are ruling the roost and terrorizing and intimidating the minorities, tribal and the Dalits.
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Communalization of education is done rampantly and the rich study of Indian philosophy is converted into the study of theology. Parliamentary democracy is under severe attack and voices of dissent are being cowed down, Yechury said.
The Modi government has become an ally of the U.S. and also a major U.S. defence partner. India is now obliged to provide all services to U.S. for its military design. The economy has been opened to foreign capital, Yechury stated.
The manner in which Walmart has entered the retail trade market by buying Flipkart and entering e-commerce will be extremely perilous for the small traders and retailers in the country, Yechury warned.
Brinda Karat speaks at the release of the booklet titled:
“4 Years of Modi Govt Misrule. Why it has to end?” #LootSarkarJhootSarkar #4YearsFullofTears pic.twitter.com/mxJFncDmsR— CPI (M) (@cpimspeak) June 1, 2018
According to conservative estimates, he said, the non-performing assets (NPAs) have reached an alarming state. Subtotal of this leads to a threat onto the livelihoods of the people and integrity of our nation.
Brinda Karat explained the 4 booklets. The first one is on the economic situation of the country which is in shambles. There is more hype than benefit for the people. She termed the present government as the government of profiteers and there is nothing for the youth than asking them to sell Pakodas.
She added that corruption is flourishing at its peak under the Modi regime. While explaining the booklet on the attack on the political structure of the country, she narrated how the Constitution has been diluted and is being dismantled.
There is a virtual take over by the Sangh (RSS) of the important positions in the country and there is a severe blow to the federal structure. The third booklet gives a description about the promises made by the BJP and complete betrayal of them. Special focus is laid on the social aspects of the 4 years of misrule in the booklet.
While looking at these aspects it shows that there is an unprecedented attack on the adivasis, Dalits and the minorities. Along with that the economic policies have been so framed that even the reservation benefits have been diluted, Karat said.
Overall, she said, the Modi government is becoming a facilitator of this loot of the people simultaneously spreading lies to veneer its 4 years of misrule.
Photo courtesy: CPIM