Crimes in Housing Societies: Complaint Sent to Delhi CM Rekha Gupta

Crimes in Housing Societies: Complaint Sent to Delhi CM Rekha Gupta. Chief Minister of Delhi Rekha Gupta. Photo courtesy: Delhi BJP
Crimes in Housing Societies: Complaint Sent to Delhi CM Rekha Gupta. Chief Minister of Delhi Rekha Gupta. Photo courtesy: Delhi BJP

Crimes in Housing Societies: Complaint Sent to Delhi CM Rekha Gupta

I sent the following complaint to the chief minister of Delhi Rekha Gupta with the request to stop crime and corruption in the housing societies of Delhi.

By Rakesh Raman

To                                                                                                                                                            March 22, 2025

Ms. Rekha Gupta
Chief Minister (CM), Delhi

Subject: Complaint to stop crime and corruption in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies regulated by Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government

Complaint by: Rakesh Raman, who is a journalist and social activist

Dear Chief Minister,

I am a government’s national award-winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation, which is registered with Delhi Government and the Darpan platform of NITI Aayog, Government of India. Along with my regular editorial and social services, I run various environment protection, human rights protection, education awareness, and anti-corruption campaigns. My detailed profile is given below.

As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I have been running for the past 7 years a free community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi who are victims of crime and corruption committed by the management committees (MCs) of Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS). 

The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), , Delhi Police, and a few other departments.

Hundreds of thousands of residents (children, women, men, including senior citizens) are suffering because of crimes being committed by the housing society MC members who operate as gangs of criminals. But the aggrieved residents have no administrative forum where they could go and get relief while the judicial systems are extremely slow – as I have explained in the “India Judicial Research Report 2024” that I compiled and released. 

Oppressed Residents of Housing Societies in Delhi

In fact, the housing societies of Delhi have become dangerous centres of crime and corruption. The crimes being committed by the housing society MCs in collusion with government officials include corruption, fraud, cheating, bribery, intimidation, extortion, unauthorised construction, environmental damage, and so on. As a result, hundreds of thousands of residents in housing societies have to face the tyranny of criminal MC members who collude with corrupt government officials to commit crimes with impunity.

[ Video: दिल्ली की सीएम रेखा गुप्ता को हाउसिंग सोसाइटियों में अपराध रोकने के लिए शिकायत ]

In some cases, the RCS office orders perfunctory investigations against corrupt MC members, but closes the cases without punishing the culprits presumably after taking bribes from accused MC members. Similarly, the RCS office does not enforce its own mandatory rules such as creation of websites for housing societies to reduce corruption, because the MC members do not want to make their corrupt acts public on society websites. Obviously, the RCS officials are bribed to overlook its own website creation rule. Although many RCS officials have been jailed in the past or faced serious investigations, corruption has not stopped at the RCS office and housing societies.

In order to get the corrupt government functionaries prosecuted and imprisoned, I also approached the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) of the Government of India. The CBI sent my complaint to the RCS office, where the corrupt RCS officials are trying to block the investigation under different pretexts. 

You can click here to read my representation sent to Delhi High Court for direction to the CBI to hold an investigation into the crimes in housing societies. In response, I received a careless response from the Vigilance Branch of the RCS office which was directed by the CBI to hold an investigation.

While I have filed dozens of complaints to get crimes in different housing societies stopped, you can check out a couple of cases which show the enormity of criminality by the MC members in collusion with government officials. In these cases, the corrupt officials have been sending the complaints like a post office from one department to another recklessly without taking any action to resolve the grievances. While all these negligent officials must be removed from their jobs, they are enjoying impunity to repeat their crimes.

Investigation of Delhi IAS Officers

As senior bureaucrats and police officials are complicit in the housing societies’ crimes, in response to the complaints filed by me, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) of the Government of India has directed the Cabinet Secretariat to take action on my complaints related to massive corruption by at least 10 IAS officers whose names are mentioned in the DoPT letters. 

However, the DoPT / Cabinet Secretariat investigation is terribly slow while the crime and corruption cases are increasing in the housing societies. You can click here to read the DoPT case including the names of the accused IAS officers. I received the latest letter in this case from the DoPT in January 2025, which showed that the case is underway. However, the crimes in housing societies have not stopped and rather are increasing. 

As bureaucratic and political corruption is increasing exponentially in India, it is essential to punish the corrupt and weed out corruption from the country. If the corrupt government functionaries keep enjoying impunity, corruption will spread like a pandemic disease in all parts of the country and India will remain in the category of underdeveloped countries. 

You must realize that India is already being censured in all parts of the world for rampant corruption and human rights violations here. If you do not prosecute, convict, and imprison the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, they will further tarnish India’s image and jeopardize our relations with other countries.

Request for Delhi Government Action to Stop Crimes in Housing Societies

Constitute a committee of experts to investigate the working of the RCS office and the offences committed by RCS officials during the past 5 years, at least.

Identify the culprits at the RCS office as well as the MCs of housing societies and prosecute them so that they are imprisoned at the earliest.

Study the case reports published on the “Clean House” service that runs as a community court to report about crime and corruption in Delhi’s housing societies.

Get the victims of crimes in housing societies fully compensated.

Save the residents by ending the control of MCs on them. 

Streamline the processes of the RCS office and fix accountability of RCS officials.

Start a simplified e-filing portal for residents to register their complaints online against MC members and RCS officials.

Threats to Me: As I have been reporting as a journalist about crimes in housing societies, criminals are sending various threats to me. These include false police complaints against me, threats of physical harm to me, expulsion notices, legal notices, false court cases, and slanderous attacks on my social as well as professional status. 

While I am also running citywide campaigns to stop lethal floor area ratio (FAR) construction in housing societies, criminal MC members supported by builders’ mafia have even damaged my home. 

[ VIDEOS: You can click here to watch a video that shows the damage being caused by FAR construction and you can also click here to watch the video that shows damage done by FAR construction to my home. ]

As the petitioner in this case, I will be available to coordinate with the government’s investigating teams to explain the extent of crime and corruption in these government departments as well as Delhi’s housing societies. With the hope that you will not brush this case of organized crime and corruption under the carpet, I request you for an immediate response. 

By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.

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Rakesh Raman