CVC Invites Experts to Implement Integrity Pact

The CVC plans to prepare a panel for consideration for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in the organizations for implementation of the concept of Integrity Pact.
In order to ensure transparency and probity in public procurement activities, India’s top anti-corruption organization the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has recommended implementation of the concept of Integrity Pact (IP) for all major procurements activities by government organisations.
For smooth implementation of the IP, the Commission has put in place a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). A comprehensive and revised SOP has been uploaded on the Commission’s website under Circular No. 06/05/21 dated 03.06.2021.
The IP envisages appointment of Independent External Monitors (IEMs) who are eminent and experienced persons of high integrity and reputation, in the respective organizations to oversee the implementation of IP.
In order to ensure that only persons of integrity, adequate experience and having an unblemished service record are appointed as IEM in any organization, the Commission is empaneling persons of integrity, after following due process to identify such persons.
The panel of such eminent persons is updated at periodical intervals to ensure constant availability of suitable persons for nomination / appointment as IEMs.
The Commission has invited applications from retired senior officers, who are fulfilling the eligibility criteria, for empanelment for appointment as IEMs. The persons eligible as per the terms, conditions, and criteria are can submit their applications in the prescribed proforma, addressed to the Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkta Bhawan, GPO Complex, Block-A, INA, New Delhi-110023, either in the form of a written application or through email. The application through email may be sent to the email:, on or before 15.10.2021 (Friday).
A notice calling for applications, alongwith the format of application form and scheme for empanelment of persons for nomination / appointment as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) is available on Commission’s website under the head “IEM Applications”.