Dan Rather Reports 2012 Presidential Election

Kicking off HDNet’s coverage of the 2012 Presidential election, Dan Rather takes his Emmy-award winning “Dan Rather Reports” to New Hampshire for special live coverage of the Republican primary. 

As the battle for the Republican nomination moves to the next stage, Rather (pictured above) will broadcast live from New Hampshire Tuesday, Jan. 10 beginning at 7:00 p.m. ET.

“For all the chatter about polls and political gamesmanship, it’s always reassuring that real people have to show up and cast real votes for real names on real ballots,” said Rather, anchor and managing editor of “Dan Rather Reports”.

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“I’ve covered New Hampshire primaries more than a dozen times, because nothing gets this reporter as fired up as a good campaign.”

According to HDNet, Rather’s storied history covering elections over the last 40 years will provide viewers with a unique analysis not only of what the New Hampshire primary and the overall upcoming 2012 election will mean for the US, domestically and internationally, but how each turn, success, failure and development will directly affect Americans.

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In addition to broadcasting up-to-the-minute race results with expert analysis of what New Hampshire means for key candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachman, Ron Paul and Rick Perry, Rather will engage with Americans at home, taking their questions via Facebook (facebook.com/danratherreports) and Twitter (@danratherreport) to provide insight on the issues of most concern to voters.

“Dan Rather Reports: The 2012 New Hampshire Primary” will premiere live on HDNet on Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 7:00 p.m. ET continuing live until a winner is declared.

HDNet (www.hd.net) is an independent network providing content for men of all ages and is delivered in true high definition.

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Rakesh Raman