Delhi Election 2025: Uncivil Politicians Deface Public Property
Delhi Election 2025: Uncivil Politicians Deface Public Property
Delhi Assembly Election 2025
By RMN News Service
While Delhi Assembly election is expected to take place in the first couple of months of 2025, the unruly political outfits have started defacing public property by pasting their posters on different walls.
The State Election Commission has notified the Prevention of Defacement of Property Act which states that defacement is a cognizable offence. However, since most politicians in India are criminals or uneducated, they blatantly violate laws and commit crimes with impunity.
Notwithstanding the directions of the election authorities, politicians are sullying Delhi which is already among the dirtiest national capitals in the world.
Note: This article is part of our exclusive editorial section that covers Delhi Assembly election 2025.