Delhi High Court CBI Complaint to Investigate Corruption in Delhi Housing Societies

Delhi High Court CBI Complaint to Investigate Corruption in Delhi Housing Societies
I sent the following request to Delhi High Court.
By Rakesh Raman
To August 8, 2024
The Registrar General
Delhi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Copy to: The Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and DoPT
Subject: Delhi High Court Direction to CBI to Investigate and Prosecute Crime and Corruption Cases in Delhi Housing Societies
Dear Registrar General, Delhi High Court,
I (Rakesh Raman) am a government’s national award winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation in New Delhi. I run various environment protection, human rights protection, education awareness, and anti-corruption campaigns, and publish digital magazines and research reports on different subjects.
As part of my editorial work, I also produce comprehensive research reports on legal issues and the justice delivery system in India. [ You can click here to read the “India Judicial Research Report 2024” that I compiled and released this month (August 2024). ]
Moreover, I have worked as a digital media expert with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). I was also associated with the Punjab Police at a senior advisory role to handle strategic digital and psychological operations (PSYOPS) against the local as well as transnational criminals.
[ You can click here to read my detailed profile. ]
As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I have been running for the past more than 6 years a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi who are victims of crime and corruption committed by the management committees (MCs) of Delhi’s Cooperative Group Housing Societies (CGHS).
The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Police, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and a few other departments.
Hundreds of thousands of residents (children, women, men, including senior citizens) are suffering because of crimes being committed by the MCs in housing societies. But the aggrieved residents have no administrative forum where they could go and get relief while the judicial systems are extremely slow – as I have explained in the “India Judicial Research Report 2024” mentioned above.
While senior bureaucrats and police officials are complicit in the housing societies’ crimes, in response to the complaints filed by me, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has directed the Cabinet Secretariat to take action on my complaints related to massive corruption by at least 10 IAS officers whose names are mentioned in the DoPT letters. However, the DoPT / Cabinet Secretariat investigation is terribly slow while the crime and corruption cases are increasing in housing societies.
With the objective to get crimes in housing societies stopped, I recently approached the CBI with my letter dated July 16, 2024. I requested the CBI Director to depute a qualified team of investigating officers to probe and prosecute the accused in the government and housing societies who are involved in crime and corruption. I also offered to coordinate with the CBI officers to explain the crimes happening in Delhi’s housing societies.
Subsequently, I spoke over the phone in the office of the CBI Director to know the status of my request. I was told by the official (who told his name as Mr. Pundir) in the CBI Director’s office that since the CBI officers are overworked, it will be difficult for them to work on my request. However, he suggested that if Delhi High Court directs CBI, then the investigation can be expedited.
REQUEST FOR ACTION: Therefore, I am sending this complaint to the Delhi High Court to direct CBI to take up the Delhi housing societies case on a priority basis so that the lives and rights of hundreds of thousands of residents could be protected without delay.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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