Delhi Police Urged to Save CGHS Residents from the Criminality of MC Members

Delhi Police Urged to Save CGHS Residents from the Criminality of MC Members
I sent the following letter today to the Delhi Police Commissioner and the Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi.
To June 9, 2022
Mr. Rakesh Asthana, IPS
Commissioner of Police, Delhi
Copy: Mr. Vinai Kumar Saxena, Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi
Subject: Proposal to stop corruption and criminality of the Management Committee (MC) members of Delhi’s Cooperative Group Housing Societies (CGHS) with the establishment of special dedicated police centers on the lines of Mumbai Police initiative.
Dear Commissioner of Police, Delhi,
I am a national award-winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. I had also been associated with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.
As an anti-corruption activist, I run various campaigns to weed out bureaucratic and political corruption from India. I also publish The Integrity Bulletin news magazine that covers local and international corruption news and issues to engage with different stakeholders who are trying to combat corruption. I also run a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people suffer because of rampant corruption and lawlessness.
With this introduction, I urge you to establish special Delhi Police centers to quickly resolve the complaints of CGHS residents who have been facing extreme crime and corruption of the CGHS MC members. While the MC members are involved in corruption worth hundreds of crores of rupees, they intimidate and harass the residents who try to raise their voice against the criminality of their MC members.
Since the office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government – which is supposed to regulate the functioning of the housing societies – is not working honestly and usually bribed by the MC members who use residents’ money to bribe the RCS officials, the RCS office ignores the aggrieved residents’ complaints and does not take action against the criminal MC members of housing societies.
The MC members of housing societies, RCS officials, and others are also involved in a massive racket termed as Widehouse Corruption Scandal which is spread across the city, particularly in the cooperative group housing societies of Delhi. [ You can click here to download and study a report on the Widehouse Corruption Scandal. ]
In the existing Delhi Police setup, the police personnel are working so carelessly that they do not take action against the MC members when residents complain against them. Sometimes, they send the public complaints to the RCS office, which refuses to take action against the MC members and rather harasses the residents who complain.
Initially, you can start the dedicated police units in areas like Dwarka where the housing societies exist in expanded clusters. Subsequently, you can establish such centers in other areas as well. You can also study the recent initiative of the Mumbai Police which has decided to protect the rights of housing society residents. The Mumbai Police has deputed a police inspector in-charge of public relations in each of the 90-odd police stations in Mumbai. These police inspectors have been made the nodal officers for housing societies falling under the jurisdiction of their respective police stations.
You can also take a number of other steps to stop the increasing incidents of crime and corruption in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies so that the residents could be protected from the criminality of the MC members. I can coordinate with the police officers to make the crime-prevention systems so that the CGHS residents could live in a peaceful and corruption-free atmosphere.
Request for an immediate response.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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