District Magistrate Appointed to Investigate Crimes at DPS CGHS of Dwarka

In my petition, I had submitted a 59-page document including 25 exhibits as evidence that prove the criminal activities of the DPS CGHS MC members and their supporters.
Now a District Magistrate has been appointed to investigate the financial and other crimes of DPS CGHS MC members and their accomplices.
As the government has launched an investigation into the illegal FAR construction at DPS CGHS, the construction has stopped in the building.
By Rakesh Raman
The law-enforcement agencies – which have been constantly tracking the criminal activities of the management committee (MC) of DPS CGHS, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi – have tightened their grip on the MC members and their accomplices.
After initiating a slew of investigations, now a District Magistrate has been appointed to investigate the financial and other crimes of DPS CGHS MC members and their supporters.
The Court of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government has appointed the District Magistrate of North East Delhi as the Inspection Officer to investigate the extent of financial and other irregularities at DPS CGHS.
According to the RCS Court order dated 09.09.2020 issued under section 61 of the DCS Act, the investigation will cover a number of crime areas including water tanker fraud, illegal car parking, underhand deals with external vendors, irregularities in the FAR (floor area ratio) extension / repairs work in the Society, and overall misappropriation of Society funds.

As the DPS CGHS MC members have already been convicted by a Labour Court, the new investigation by the District Magistrate will also examine how the MC used the Society funds to pay the penalty and other legal expenses for their own crimes.
As a journalist and resident member of DPS CGHS, I had filed the petition against the DPS CGHS MC members and their accomplices. Besides a number of other documents that reveal the crimes by DPS CGHS MC, in July 2020, I had also submitted a 59-page document including 25 exhibits as evidence that prove the criminal activities of the DPS CGHS MC members and their supporters.
In order to protect themselves, DPS CGHS MC members would have given their reply. But the RCS Court in its order has stated that it is not satisfied with the MC’s reply, and therefore it is essential to inspect the financial and other records of the Society.
Although the District Magistrate is supposed to submit its report within 60 days, it may take more time to complete the investigation because there are many aspects of the probe involving an estimated Rs. 20-crore corruption committed by the DPS CGHS MC members.
Moreover, the DPS CGHS MC members – who behave as hardened criminals – are expected to tamper with the Society records that are supposed to be inspected by the District Magistrate.
The DPS CGHS MC members may also try to insert fake documents and information in the Society records to mislead the Inspection Officer and criminally change the outcome of the investigation.
While I am keeping a close vigil on DPS CGHS MC members’ possible misdemeanours, I have informed the authorities about the possibility of record tampering and witness intimidation by the accused DPS CGHS MC members and their partners in crime.
I am also aware of the fact that in order to save themselves in this scandal, the DPS CGHS MC members may approach a higher court to get the inspection delayed or stopped. But I will keep chasing them through the law-enforcement agencies until they are jailed for their crimes.
As the RCS Court has observed, I have submitted sufficient evidence against the DPS CGHS MC members. This evidence and other documents that I might submit during the course of investigation will get DPS CGHS MC members and their accomplices imprisoned for their crimes and corruption.
The DPS CGHS MC members are supposed to inform all other members through the DPS CGHS website about these documents and legal cases related to the criminal investigations against them.
However, the accused MC members are hiding their criminality from other members in order to extort more money from them for illegal projects such as construction, repairs, etc. The members must realize that when they pay money to these accused MC members, their money is not going in honest hands.
The main accused in this case are the DPS CGHS MC members, their supporters in construction crimes, and the construction companies which are responsible for FAR construction. The names of the accused are:
MC Members – Neeraj Kumar Vaish, M.N. Sampathkumar, R. Balasubramanian, Ms. Leela Swami, Sandeep Taneja, Manguram Tyagi, and Ms. Naseem Afshaque.
Members in Construction Crimes: Dilip Rozekar, M.M.Shukla, C.B. Swami, Pranav Kulshreshtha, Ravinder Sharma, O.P. Khanduja, Manish Bisht, Kaushik Banerjee, Narender Kumar, L.S. Thakur, Gaurav Sood, Sunil Bansal, Dr. Alok Varshney, Vineet Dua, Kashmera Randhawa, and Vikas Sharma.
Construction Companies: Vivek & Arti Architects, Om Star Constructions, Design N Design Architects, Team Professional Consultant, and others.
Their addresses have been given to the law-enforcement agencies. If an accused person dies during the prosecution, his/her legal heir will be liable and face the consequences.
Moreover, other DPS CGHS members who are paying money for illegal and harmful construction in the Society are also accomplices in the crimes at DPS CGHS.
As the government has launched an investigation into the illegal FAR construction at DPS CGHS, the construction has stopped in the building. Therefore, the members who have paid money for construction or repairs should demand their money back from the DPS CGHS MC, because they were defrauded by the MC to pay money for an unlawful activity.
Since the DPS CGHS MC members, the resident members, and companies involved in the construction crimes have brazenly violated the DDA conditions for such construction, the demolition of the unauthorised FAR construction has begun.
Now, I am in the process of approaching the authorities to get the DPS CGHS building restored to its original state by getting the entire FAR construction demolished. The payment for demolition and restoration will be made by the DPS CGHS MC members and those who have contributed money for this illegal construction.
The DPS CGHS MC has been operating as a criminal gang under the leadership of M.N. Sampathkumar who was the secretary of the Society. Sampathkumar – who claims to be a former employee of Air India – is already facing a number of investigations.

Although Sampathkumar (pictured, left) has quit his position from the MC presumably to evade prosecution, it is being observed that now he is secretly leading the criminal activities at DPS CGHS.
Another member of Sampathkumar Gang (or S-Gang) and a former DPS CGHS president M.M. Shukla – who claims to be a former employee of Indian army – is also involved in the criminal activities and forcing each DPS CGHS member to pay lakhs of rupees for illegal construction.
Now Shukla is facing a separate police investigation related to his alleged crimes of corruption, extortion, bribery, criminal intimidation, and so on.
In response to a complaint against Shukla – that I had sent to Mr. Rajnath Singh, Defence Minister of India, and General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defence Staff of India – the government has initiated the investigation.
The Ministry of Defence – through its letter dated July 21, 2020 – has directed Delhi Police to start investigation into the purported crimes of Shukla. The investigation is expected to extend to the other members of the gang in which Shukla operates.
In the property crimes, Sampathkumar Gang has been colluding with a number of corrupt officials at Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and members of builders’ mafia. I am continuously informing the authorities about all these crimes.
Now, I am working to get the DPS CGHS MC dissolved (dismissed) and DPS CGHS MC members removed from their positions so that further prosecution and trial could begin against them and their accomplices in the court of law.
Threats to Me: In order to intimidate and silence me, the accused DPS CGHS MC members and their accomplices are sending multiple threats to me. These include false police complaints against me, threats of physical harm to me, expulsion notices, legal notices, and slanderous attacks on my social as well as professional status.
I have complained to the Delhi Police, the Home Ministry of the Government of India, and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) about the threats that I am receiving from the MC members of DPS CGHS and others. In response to my complaints, the NHRC has issued notice to the Commissioner of Delhi Police to protect me and my rights as a journalist.
Note: You can click here to study the criminal record of present and past DPS CGHS MC members and their accomplices.
Free Anti-Corruption Service: This report on DPS CGHS is part of our “Clean House” anti-corruption social service, which covers cases of crime and corruption in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies.
You can click here to know more about this service.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.