DPS Housing Society Case: Letter to DDA Vigilance Department

Delhi Development Authority (DDA)
Vigilance Department
February 27, 2015
Dear Sirs,
Please let me introduce myself as a government award-winning journalist. Besides working at senior editorial positions with India’s leading media companies, I’d been writing an edit-page column for The Financial Express newspaper. Nowadays, I’m running my own global news sites on different subjects.
This e-mail is to seek your attention and help, as the residents of D.P.S. Co-op. Group Housing Society, Dwarka, Sector 4, New Delhi are facing severe hardships because of the persisting mismanagement and misappropriation of funds by the successive Managing Committees of the Society.
Now the Managing Committee is planning a new high-value construction project in the Society building by taking approval from DDA, though according to DDA “existing societies cannot be allowed to extend the structures as this would undermine the strength of the building and put people’s lives at risk.”
Accordingly, this planned project is not only illegal but it will also violate the human rights of a large number of people living in the Society – who will have to suffer a whole lot of disturbance and pollution for many years because of the planned construction activity.
As the DPS Society Managing Committee members are hell-bent to begin this high-value project by taking approval from DDA by fair means or foul, I request you to instruct the concerned DDA officials that they should not allow this construction activity to happen in the DPS Society.
I have explained the entire case of the DPS Society at my news site. You may please take a look and save the residents from the high-handedness of the DPS Society’s Managing Committee.
Please check out this link: http://www.ramanmedianetwork.com/save-the-families-and-their-human-rights-in-dps-society/
Would appreciate an early action and response.
Thanking You