DPS Housing Society Case: Letter to Minister of Urban Development

DPS Housing Society Case: Letter to Minister of Urban Development, Government of India
Copy: Vice Chairman, DDA and the Chief Minister of Delhi
March 18, 2015
Dear Government,
Please let me introduce myself as a government award-winning journalist. Besides working at senior editorial positions with India’s leading media companies, I’d been writing an edit-page column for The Financial Express newspaper. Nowadays, I’m running my own global news sites on different subjects.
This e-mail is to seek your attention and help, as I have learnt that the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is planning to allow building extensions / increased floor area ratio (FAR) in the existing Group Housing Societies.
If this is allowed, it will cause a huge disturbance and health hazards to the people (men, women, and children) living in these houses, as they will be pushed into an environment full of pollution as a result of the construction activity that will run for years.
Plus, you can’t rule out the possibility of accidents when the construction is carried out in the same building where people are living. It will also be extremely difficult for many residents to pay extra money for the proposed extended structures of the buildings.
As the Managing Committees of the Group Housing Societies are already working in a free-wheeling manner, there will be more opportunities of corruption for them if they are allowed to carry out the extended construction in the existing buildings.
Consequently, it will be a total chaos and further deteriorate the quality of life for Delhi residents. I, therefore, request you that you should not allow any kind of construction in the existing Group Housing Societies.
The residents of D.P.S. Co-op. Group Housing Society, Dwarka, Sector 4, New Delhi – where I live – are already facing severe mental disturbance, as the Managing Committee of the Society is forcing them to give their consent for building extension.
Our requests to the office of the Registrar Co-operative Societies (RCS) are falling on deaf ears, and the RCS is not taking any action to stop the DPS Housing Managing Committee from this risky building extension project among other mismanagement issues in the Society.
You are, therefore, requested to take an immediate action and save the families living in the DPS Housing Society.
I have explained the entire case of the DPS Society on a Webpage of my news site. You may please take a look and save the residents from the high-handedness of the DPS Society’s Managing Committee.
Please check out this link: http://www.ramanmedianetwork.com/save-the-families-and-their-human-rights-in-dps-society/
Would appreciate an early action and response.
Thanking You