DPS Housing: Threat to Stop My Entry into My Own Home

DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi

Click Picture for Details of DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi

I am facing repeated threats from the DPS Housing Society MC members and their supporters because I am raising my voice against corruption, environmental damage, and human rights violations. Now the MC members have arbitrarily decided to expel me from the Society and throw me out of my house.

Rakesh Raman

My Letter dated May 23, 2017 to Joint Commissioner of Police, Delhi


Joint Commissioner of Police
Southern Western Range

May 23, 2017

Copy to: DCP Vigilance

Subject: Threat to Stop My Entry into My Own Home and Corruption Investigation at DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 078

Dear Police Officers,

Please let me introduce myself as a government’s National award-winning journalist and writer. Nowadays, I am running my own global news services on different subjects. For the past 2 years, I also have been running a free school for poor children at J.J. Colony, Sector 3, Dwarka, Delhi.

This is to inform you that I am repeatedly being harassed by the successive Managing Committees (MCs) of the DPS Housing Society because I have been raising my voice against corruption and lawlessness at the Society that the MC members want to cover up.

The corruption is so rampant at the DPS Housing Society that I had approached the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India with details of its corruption. As a result, the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government had ordered an inquiry in this case under the directions from the CVC and Directorate of Vigilance of Delhi Government. The inquiry is still pending. [ See Annexure ]

Despite repeated requests from me and other members of the Society, the Managing Committees (MCs) have failed to provide statutory documentary details of expenses estimated to be crores of rupees over the years. In all probability, the documents are either missing from the Society records or destroyed by the MC members to hide their criminal activities.

Moreover, the MC members are blatantly defying court orders by allowing certain residents to park their additional cars inside the Society building while the Delhi High Court has ruled that only one car per flat will be allowed in housing society parking lots. There are numerous other illegal acts that the MC members have been committing with the help of other law-breaking residents who have become a part of the racket.

Recently, I have started a signature campaign to take the signatures of the Society residents / members to get the present MC dissolved through the RCS office and get a government administrator appointed to streamline the working of the Society. Moreover, earlier this month, I had approached the Director (Vigilance) – and also Commissioner of Police Delhi – to reinitiate the inquiry into DPS Housing Society.

As I have been working tirelessly to weed out corruption and lawlessness from the Society by taking multiple steps, the MC members* (their names given below) have started harassing me with disturbing communications and with the aim to take a revenge on me.

Besides their threats to harm me physically, the MC members issued a “Show Cause Notice” dated May 2, 2017 which is aimed to expel me from the Society. And with a subsequent letter dated May 21, 2017, the MC informed me that it has already taken the decision to expel me from the Society.

But the MC did not inform me how the meeting to expel me was conducted and which members were present in the meeting. The letter is signed by M.N. Sampathkumar, Secretary of the MC. The MC also failed to inform me how it took the decision without the approval of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office. Further, it called me on May 28, 2017 to present my case, and astonishingly it has asked me to appear alone – without any friends or legal support. Obviously, I am scared by the MC members’ arbitrary diktat.

As the MC members are hell-bent to terrorize me, it is possible that they may use force to obstruct my entry into my own house. I, therefore, request you to protect my fundamental rights to live peacefully at my home and express my concerns against the corruption and lawlessness at the DPS Housing Society.

With this information, I request you to thoroughly investigate the DPS Housing Society case and save me from any further threats from the MC members and/or their accomplices.

The relevant documents pertaining to this case are enclosed for your reference. Request for an early response.


Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA

*DPS Housing Society MC Members: Neeraj Vaish, R. Bala Subramanian, M.N. Sampathkumar, Ms. Leela Swami, Sandeep Taneja, Manguram Tyagi, and Ms. Naseem Afshaque.

Copy to: The Registrar Co-op. Societies  (RCS), Delhi Government, Old Court Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110 001


DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society, Plot No. 16, Dwarka, Sector 4, New Delhi 110 078

  1. The managing committees (MCs) of DPS Housing Society have been trying to start extended construction activity for the past many years in the building under some Floor Area Ratio (FAR) rules.
  2. I – along with some other residents of the Society – have been opposing the extended construction proposal because it will cause dust and noise pollution which will be harmful to men, women, children, and even senior citizens who are living in the Society.
  3. As the extended construction is being planned in other societies also, in March 2017, I started a mass campaign in Dwarka to spread awareness about the risks of extended construction and the illegality of the proposed extended construction projects.
  4. As the same extended construction project was being aggressively pursued in my own DPS Housing Society – which I had been opposing – the MC of my Society started defaming me and threatening me among all the members of the Society.
  5. The threats from the DPS Housing Society MCs to me include the hints of physical harm to me and even cancellation of my membership from the Society in order to grab my flat.
  6. In order to further threaten me, the DPS Housing Society MC filed a false complaint dated March 16, 2017 against me with the Delhi Police – under various sections (499 and 500) of IPC.
  7. On March 23, 2017, I wrote to Mr. Amulya Patnaik, Commissioner of Police, Delhi to investigate the reasons behind the false complaint against me.
  8. The Police Commissioner responded positively to my request and informed me that this case will now be handled by the Joint Commissioner of Police, Southern Western Range and the DCP Vigilance.
  9. I request the police to inquire with the MC members and their supporters who have signed the complaint letter to know the reasons for filing the complaint. The police should take action against all of them if it is found that the complaint was fake, just to threaten me.
  10. I also request the police to investigate the cases of corruption and lawlessness in the DPS Housing Society including the reopening of an inquiry directed by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India.
  11. Earlier this month (May 2017), I had approached the Director (Vigilance) – and also Commissioner of Police Delhi – to reinitiate the inquiry into DPS Housing Society.
  12. The MC members have started harassing me with multiple communications. Besides their threats to harm me physically, the MC members have issued a “Show Cause Notice” dated May 2, 2017 which is aimed to expel me from the Society. In a subsequent letter dated May 21, 2017, the MC took an arbitrary decision to expel me from the Society.
  13. I need police help to save me and my fundamental / human rights. The police also can recommend the suspension of the MC and appointment of a government administrator in the DPS Housing Society until the inquiry is complete.

Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA

My Letter to Commissioner of Police, Delhi Sent in March

Mr. Amulya Patnaik
Commissioner of Police

March 23, 2017

Dear Mr. Patnaik,

Please let me introduce myself as a government’s National award-winning journalist and writer. Besides working at senior editorial positions with India’s leading media companies, I had been writing an edit-page column for The Financial Express newspaper. Nowadays, I’m running my own global news services on different subjects.

Among other top assignments, I had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.

In the past, I have also worked as a senior technology / media advisor with the Punjab Police to spearhead some of the crucial psy-ops at the international scale.

These days, along with my editorial work, I also run a free school for poor children in the J.J. Colony of Sector 3, Dwarka.

Present Case

A few days ago, I launched a big awareness campaign to protect the environment in Dwarka by highlighting the risks of extended construction activity – which causes deadly dust and noise pollution – in the inhabited group housing societies.

Hundreds of people in Dwarka have come forward to support my effort toward environmental protection. But the managing committees (MCs) of DPS Housing Society in Dwarka where I live have embarked upon a smear campaign against me because they want to start the massive environment-damaging construction project in the building.

The successive MCs of DPS Housing Society have been threatening me for the past many months so that I should not oppose their financial corruption and construction project. Besides attacking my social and professional status, their threats to me include filing of police cases and legal cases against me with the help of some of their supporters in the Society and their links with the authorities.

It is pertinent to mention here that the corruption is so rampant in the DPS Housing Society that I had approached the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India with details of its corruption. As a result, the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office had ordered an inquiry in this case under the directions from the CVC. The inquiry is still pending. [ See Annexure ]

As I have recently requested the Delhi government including the Chief Minister and the Lt. Governor to suspend the MC of DPS Housing Society and hold a thorough investigation in the case, the MCs’ threats to me have increased. They also have threatened me with the cancellation of my membership from the Society in order to snatch away my flat.

Last week, the present MC members also lodged a fabricated police complaint against me in Dwarka with a view to intimidate me so that I should not oppose their lethal extended construction project which is extremely harmful to men, women, and children living in the Society.

With this email, I request you to suitably instruct the MC and its supporters in the Society that they should not harass or threaten me, as I have planned to intensify my environment protection campaign in Dwarka.

You are also requested to investigate the police complaint dated March 16, 2017 that the DPS Housing Society MC has filed against me, so that my name must not get sullied in the police records.

I request for an early response on my email, letting me know the action being taken at your end.

Please note: Since I work from early morning to late night everyday on my news sites, I keep my phones switched off to avoid disturbance.

Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA

My Letter to Joint Commissioner of Police, Delhi Sent in March


Joint Commissioner of Police
Southern Western Range

Copy to: DCP Vigilance

March 30, 2016

Subject: Environment Protection and Investigation of Corruption / Lawlessness at DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 078

Reference: Dy. No. is 5224/E-mail dated 23/03/2017

Dear Joint Commissioner of Police and DCP Vigilance,

This has reference to my email dated March 23, 2017 to Mr. Amulya Patnaik, Commissioner of Police, Delhi regarding the environment protection campaign that I am running in Dwarka and the threats that I have been receiving from the Managing Committee (MC)* members of the DPS Co-operative Group Housing Society, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi, where I live. The Office of the Commissioner of Police has informed me that your office will handle this case.

Besides repeated threats to me, the MC members of the DPS Housing Society also lodged a fabricated police complaint dated March 16, 2017 against me in Dwarka with a view to intimidate me so that I should not oppose their lethal extended construction project which is extremely harmful to men, women, and children living in the Society because of the dust and noise pollution and chances of accidents.

Here it is pertinent to state that additional construction in occupied group housing societies is an illegal activity because it violates the fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens in the Constitution of India.

The Article 21 of Indian Constitution assures the citizens of India the right to a healthy, pollution-free environment. If the construction is carried out in the group housing complexes where people – men, women, and children – are already living, it will deprive them of their right to live in a clean environment.

Moreover, no activity can be legal if it poses a risk to even one person’s life. The truth is that the extended construction-related pollution will put to risk the lives of hundreds of people living in a locality. Thus, extended construction is an illegal activity.

Even if one person in a particular housing complex opposes construction, he / she wants their fundamental right to pollution-free environment protected. So, such construction cannot be carried out in that locality.

Also, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) of India has observed that one of the major sources of air pollution is dust emission from construction activities, which must be stopped to avoid pollution-related diseases and deaths.

But instead of following the law, the successive MCs of DPS Housing Society have been threatening me for the past many months so that I should not oppose their financial corruption and construction project.

Besides attacking my social and professional status, their threats to me include filing of police cases and legal cases against me with the help of some of their supporters in the Society and their links with the authorities.

It is important to mention here that the corruption is so rampant in the DPS Housing Society that I had approached the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India with details of its corruption. As a result, the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office had ordered an inquiry in this case under the directions from the CVC. As the inquiry is still pending, it must be reopened. [ See Annexure ]

Now I am writing you this email because the DPS Housing Society MC has circulated an email Wednesday (March 29) among the member residents that it will start the high-value, pollution-laden, and risky extended construction activity ignoring all the complaints against it. The MC is also threatening other residents of the Society who oppose extended construction. So, many people have already succumbed under the MC’s oppression and threats.

The MC members have also deceptively linked the extended construction with expansive building repairs to covertly force the residents to make payments which will run into lakhs of rupees per flat owner. For this, the MC members also have sourced fake engineering reports, etc. without following any statutory financial guidelines. It is a fraud.

And it will be an illegal activity keeping in view the provisions of the Constitution of India, universal human rights, and the Government of India’s policies toward environmental protection.

Even if the majority of the members in a group housing society agree for extended construction, their decision cannot be accepted because it will endanger the health and lives of others.

With these points, I request the Delhi Police for the following:

  1. The Managing Committee of DPS Housing Society must be directed to immediately stop the plan to carry out extended construction as well as massive repairs in the Society building as it will be very risky for men, women, and children because of the resulting dust and noise pollution and chances of accidents.
  2. The DDA and other concerned departments must be asked that they should not clear any extended construction proposal from the DPS Housing Society.
  3. A thorough investigation must immediately be initiated against the past and ongoing corrupt practices and lawlessness at the DPS Housing Society. And the CVC-directed inquiry against the MC members must be reinitiated immediately.
  4. A government administrator must be appointed to run the day-to-day affairs of the DPS Housing Society so that the present MC should not spend any money from the Society funds.
  5. Police must investigate the complaint dated March 16, 2017 that the DPS Housing Society MC has filed against me with the police in Dwarka. As it is a false complaint, the police must take action according to the law against the MC members and others who have supported this complaint.

I will be available to explain the case further to the police officials. You may please inform me on my email at what time you want to meet me. I will let you know and then you can come and meet me at my home at the address given below.

I request for an early action.

Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA

*DPS Housing Society MC Members: Neeraj Vaish, R. Bala Subramanian, M.N. Sampathkumar, Ms. Leela Swami, Sandeep Taneja, Manguram Tyagi, and Ms. Naseem Afshaque.

My Letter to Director (Vigilance), Delhi Government Sent in May

Director (Vigilance)                                                                                                      May 8, 2017
Directorate of Vigilance, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
4th Floor, ‘C’ Wing, Delhi Sachivalaya, New Delhi

Subject: Pending Inquiry at DPS Housing Society, Dwarka, New Delhi

Dear Director,

Please let me introduce myself as a government’s National award-winning journalist and writer. Besides working at senior editorial positions with India’s leading media companies, I had been writing an edit-page column for The Financial Express newspaper. Nowadays, I am running my own global news services on different subjects.

Among other top assignments, I had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.

I am writing you this letter to know about the status of a complaint (No. F-27/2/2011/DOV/1080 dated 15.2.11 – copy attached) that your department (Directorate of Vigilance) was handling under the directions from the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) of India. The case related to misappropriation of funds and and other illegal acts committed by the successive Managing Committees (MCs) of DPS Cooperative Group Housing Society at Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi.

The inquiry under your department’s advice initiated by the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) against the MC of DPS Housing Society was scuttled and I was never informed about its findings. Now the same group of MC members who were involved in the previous case are planning another construction project worth crores of rupees in the DPS Housing Society building. It will again give them an opportunity to swindle public money.

As I want to get the planned construction project stopped, I request you to reinitiate the previous inquiry and also investigate the ongoing corrupt practices and utter lawlessness at the DPS Housing Society for which the previous and current MC members are responsible.

Would appreciate if you could please inform me about the progress of the case at my address given below.

Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA

[ The above letter is also sent by email with relevant weblinks. ]

The complete case is described at the following link:

[ Humanitarian Crisis Persists at DPS Housing Society in Delhi ]

Rakesh Raman

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Rakesh Raman