Energy Day at COP 22: Sustainable Energy for All

With the Paris Agreement now in force but much to be done to secure a just, low-carbon future, Sustainable Energy for All and the International Renewable Energy Agency are organising Energy Day at COP 22 in Marrakech to focus on the fast action needed to drive the energy transition.
Set for 10:00 am – 4:00 pm on Friday, 11 November, Energy Day is one of twelve thematic days comprising the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Global Climate Action Agenda, under the auspices of the COP 22 Presidency.
Through the Paris Agreement, governments have signalled a powerful commitment to act rapidly to address climate change.
The necessary deep decarbonization of the economy and future growth go hand in hand with achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring sustainable energy for all. By taking an integrated approach to energy, we can close the access gap cleanly and affordably.
The days of incremental change are over. We are now entering the age of disruption. Energy Day will encompass the interwoven issues of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy access. Leaders will showcase what’s working, what’s not – and why.
Morning sessions will focus on increasing energy productivity and the transformative role of renewable energy, with a special focus on renewable energy in Africa.
The afternoon will focus on closing the energy access gap cleanly and affordably – particularly on reaching the furthest first, the impact of energy access on women’s lives and livelihoods, and the prospect of lifting millions out of poverty with renewable energy options.
Energy Day will be held in the Climate Action Arena in the Blue Zone of the COP 22 conference site. The event is being jointly organized by SEforALL and IRENA in cooperation with the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) and Morrocan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE).
Photo courtesy: COP 22