Entry Fee Extortion Reported at Chinar CGHS Majestic Apartments of Dwarka

Entry Fee Extortion Reported at Chinar CGHS Majestic Apartments of Dwarka
Case of Chinar Co-operative Group Housing Society (CGHS) Ltd. (Chinar CGHS), Majestic Apartments, Plot No. 3, Sector 18, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 078

Case Update: July 29, 2024
As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I sent the following notice to the management committee (MC) of Chinar CGHS (Majestic Apartments). Since I did not get a response, I am publishing this case report publicly and again advise the MC to follow the law and stop the alleged irregularities at the Society. The authorities can investigate this case to catch the culprits.
I will soon file a formal complaint at various administrative and judicial forums against the Chinar CGHS (Majestic Apartments) MC so that an appropriate legal action could be taken against the accused and the residents of the Society could live in a peaceful and corruption-free environment.
Note: As the case progresses, this webpage will keep getting updated. So, visit this webpage again. The notice is given below.
To July 25, 2024
The President / Secretary [ Mr. Parveen Wadhwa / Mr. Jatin Mittal ]
Chinar Co-operative Group Housing Society (CGHS) Ltd. (Chinar CGHS)
Majestic Apartments, Plot No. 3, Sector 18 [ chinarcghs@gmail.com ]
Dwarka, New Delhi 110 078
Copy to: Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government and Delhi Police
Subject: Show Cause Notice for Allegations of Illegal Collection of Money (Extortion) Under the Garb of Entry Fee, Defiance of RCS Directives / Court Orders, and Defiance of Right to Information (RTI) Law
Dear President / Secretary (Chinar CGHS / Majestic Apartments),
I (Rakesh Raman) am a government’s national award winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation. I also run various environment-protection and anti-corruption campaigns at the local and international levels. Moreover, I have been running an anti-corruption social service “Clean House” for the past 6 years to help the suffering residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in cooperative group housing societies (CGHS).
As I allow the harassed residents to register their complaints to the “Clean House” service through an online form, a resident of your Society Mr. O. P. Khurana (C-603) approached me for help as he has alleged a range of financial and other irregularities at your housing society. If these allegations are valid, then as President / Secretary you are responsible for the wrongdoings for which through this notice I am giving you an opportunity to respond. The allegations and details of the case are described as under:
1. The complainant Mr. O. P. Khurana alleges that you asked him to pay Rs. one lakh in the ”Corpus Fund” of Chinar CGHS while earlier you had advised him to pay Rs. 10,000 only.
2. Mr. O. P. Khurana contends that he showed you the references from Delhi High Court order and the directive from the office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government to inform you that your demand of Rs. one lakh is illegal.
3. Mr. O. P. Khurana alleges that you deliberately ignored the Delhi High Court order and the RCS office directive and forced him to pay Rs. one lakh as entry fee.
4. Mr. O. P. Khurana also alleges that you withheld his share certificate (which is required to show the ownership of the house) and issued it only when he paid a cheque of Rs. one lakh to you under coercion. Thus, you committed an act of extortion on Mr. O. P. Khurana and with the intention of swindling the money given to you by him as entry fee, you did not give him the formal receipt that you accepted the money as entry fee.
5. When you did not give the receipt of accepting the entry fee from Mr. O. P. Khurana, he filed an RTI application at your office on 09.02.24 to get the receipt and copy of the Resolution of AGBM (Annual General Body Meeting) adopted by Chinar CGHS regarding the entry fee issue. But he alleges that you did not provide him the requested information and thus violated the RTI law.
6. You must be aware of the repeated directives from the RCS office which assert that the practice of charging entry fee is illegal and the president / secretary of the housing society will be held responsible for this transgression.
The RCS directive states that “Violation of this Directive will be viewed seriously and the President / Secretary of the concerned Society would be held responsible jointly and individually. Action will be taken against the Society under the provisions of the Delhi Cooperative Societies Act and Delhi Cooperative Societies Rules for any such violation.”
Moreover, there are multiple court rulings which conclude that the entry fee being imposed on members or tenants is an illegal activity by the management committees (MCs) of housing societies. However, you preferred to violate the prescribed law with the intention to cheat Mr. O. P. Khurana – and probably many other residents of your housing society who were forced by you to pay the entry fee.
[ You can click here to read a detailed editorial report: “Delhi Housing Societies Cannot Take Entry Fee from New Members and Tenants” ]
7. You can also click here to watch a video of July 25, 2024 in which Mr. O. P. Khurana narrates his tale of woe.
8. As Mr. O. P. Khurana has already informed you with his email of June 15, 2024, he expects you to issue the receipt of accepting Rs. one lakh through his cheque as entry fee for his membership in Chinar CGHS. He also expects you to refund the money (Rs. one lakh + 18% interest for the period you withheld his money) immediately.
9. With these details, I am giving you an opportunity to respond to the allegations made by the complainant Mr. O. P. Khurana against you. In your response to this show cause notice, you can add any other information from your side to put forward your point of view. With this notice, you are urged to explain why your case should not be reported to the law-enforcement authorities including the police so that an appropriate action could be taken in this case.
10. Please send me your response (preferably by email) on or before July 28, 2024. If I do not receive your response by July 28, 2024, it will be assumed that you have nothing to say in this matter and I will proceed to take this case forward and approach the police and other law-enforcement authorities with the information that I have.
You are also urged to inform all the members of the Chinar CGHS / Majestic Apartments about this show cause notice while this case report will be made public on the “Clean House” service after July 28, 2024.
Most Corrupt MC: If I do not get a satisfactory response from your side (Chinar CGHS MC), your housing society will be labeled as MC2 (read as MC square or MC x MC for Most Corrupt Management Committee). The MC2 title is an editorial label given to those housing societies in which the MCs do not follow the law and run the society affairs lawlessly. While the law-enforcement agencies are urged to take immediate action against such unruly MCs, the buyers and tenants are advised to stay away from housing societies labeled as MC2.)
[ Video: You can also click here to watch a related video. ]
Note: This case is part of our “Clean House” anti-corruption social service, which helps the residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people suffer because of rampant corruption and lawlessness by the MC members or the administrators.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
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