Every Beat Matters to Save the Children

Announced Monday, Save the Children and Ad Council’s Every Beat Matters campaign draws on the power of music inspired by children’s heartbeats to give Americans new ways to help millions more children survive.

Multimedia public service ads featuring the creation of OneRepublic’s new single “Feel Again” debuted Monday and will be distributed to more than 33,000 media outlets.

The ads–created pro bono by ad agency BBDO New York and filmed by Academy Award-nominated directors Sean and Andrea Fine–show how children’s heartbeats collected in remote villages of Malawi and Guatemala inspired a hit song that can help bring hope to children around the world.

A portion of “Feel Again” proceeds will benefit Save the Children’s Every Beat Matters campaign, which aims to bring basic lifesaving care to children around the world.

Every year about 7 million children die before their 5th birthday–mostly from preventable and treatable causes, including pneumonia, diarrhea and newborn complications.

“We’re excited to team up with Save the Children to let people know we all have the power to help children survive,” said Ryan Tedder, lead singer of OneRepublic. “Feel Again is an opportunity for us to be the voices for these children. We hope the song they inspired will now inspire others to join the Every Beat Matters campaign.”

The PSAs drive to www.EveryBeatMatters.org where people can download the song and take other actions to help save children’s lives.  The website also features personal blogs of frontline health workers trained by Save the Children to prevent and treat the major causes of child death in their own communities.

Such workers, including community health workers and midwives, are often the only link to health care for children living beyond the reach of hospitals and clinics in developing countries.

The Every Beat Matters campaign includes TV, radio, print, outdoor and digital PSAs as well as a social media program that will broaden the reach of the campaign via Facebook at facebook.com/everybeatmatters and Twitter @EveryBeat

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Rakesh Raman