Government Supports Corruption to Harm Delhi Residents

While “Clean House” works as a free community court, it receives public complaints, makes the formal petitions, and submits them to different government departments and law-enforcement agencies.
India’s capital New Delhi is not only the dirtiest and the most polluted city of the world, but it is also among the most corrupt cities. Today, corruption is so rampant in Delhi that the government is extending its open support to corruption and other illegal activities.
Case in point: Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) where an estimated 3 million people live. These housing societies are operated by highly corrupt managing committee (MC) members who collude with the top government officials and politicians to loot public money.
The MC members work as frontal groups to extort money from residents and share the booty with bureaucrats and politicians. The MCs are elected bodies – elected through flawed election processes – which are supposed to be controlled by the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government.
Since RCS office is full of corrupt officials, they do not act against the MC members despite repeated public complaints. When the complainants insist, in some cases RCS office orders superficial corruption inquiries in housing societies, but it hardly takes action against the corrupt MC members of those societies and corruption continues.
While a number of government departments are involved in corruption, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and the RCS office of Delhi Government are perhaps the most corrupt departments that are blatantly participating in corruption.
Major Crime and Corruption Cases in Delhi |
Case Report 1 | Case Report 2 | Case Report 3 |
Case Report 4 | Case Report 5 | Case Report 6 |
The main government departments that are systematically supporting corruption and lawlessness in Delhi are:
- Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of the Delhi Government
- Delhi Development Authority (DDA)
- Office of the Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi
- Office of the Chief Minister and other Ministers of Delhi
- Municipal Corporations of Delhi (MCD)
- Delhi Fire Service (DFS)
- Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC)
- Delhi Police
As millions of common residents are victims of government-supported corruption, an exclusive community-driven social service “Clean House” helps the suffering residents raise their voice against corruption and other illegal activities in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies.
While “Clean House” works as a free community court, it receives public complaints, makes the formal petitions, and submits them to different government departments and law-enforcement agencies.
This report will also be published in the January 2019 issue of The Integrity Bulletin which is a monthly newsletter that covers international corruption news and issues.